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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#6) bojii 97.62% 23,881.00pp 6,420,975,342 64 6,250 198
2 (#40) SillyFangirl 97.02% 19,975.80pp 3,166,593,981 2 3,057 156
3 (#123) grillroasted 96.88% 17,069.70pp 1,984,387,827 4 1,857 258
4 (#1,201) Piggy 97.02% 11,614.80pp 1,772,101,818 5 1,688 158
5 (#17,917) GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,763.14pp 105,554,794,080 15,971 88,341 2,923
6 (#44,919) animeslayergp 96.44% 3,801.32pp 14,789,369,193 1,749 12,376 1,308
7 (#66,436) mrekk 95.10% 2,973.84pp 84,392,319 0 40 37
8 (#207,206) kevin3333g 100.00% 920.86pp 3,716,999,592 3,712 0 0
9 (#396,546) goink 81.78% 183.28pp 24,171,526 0 3 5
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