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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 grillroasted 97.51% 42,423.43pp 21,393,112,612 480 2,306 1,432
2 bojii 97.85% 37,186.00pp 7,367,720,231 3,924 2,630 443
3 SillyFangirl 97.07% 36,910.89pp 26,279,456,420 792 3,188 1,303
4 mrekk 93.88% 30,744.89pp 105,032,964,372 63 1,572 1,659
5 Piggy 97.82% 22,217.03pp 8,334,712,432 427 1,597 734
6 LiangIaiajan 96.96% 20,593.50pp 525,017,740 45 467 30
7 WhiteCat 98.61% 19,844.80pp 33,712,756,022 65 568 932
8 BTMC 98.85% 16,124.20pp 150,291,975,999 147 2,437 2,079
9 Mlaw 99.17% 15,956.80pp 166,249,814,219 286 3,815 3,198
10 goink 88.41% 12,071.83pp 15,270,108,471 70 1,134 1,018
11 kevin3333g 99.96% 9,181.35pp 34,880,545,812 69,353 640 6
12 animeslayergp 97.37% 7,410.58pp 53,157,219,731 19,363 7,986 1,385
13 GrilledCheeese 97.32% 6,460.13pp 105,652,793,923 46,505 58,765 2,297
14 peppy 97.12% 1,139.87pp 447,965,404 15 75 122
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