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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 grillroasted 97.37% 39,935.59pp 22,524,217,845 79 2,593 1,828
2 mrekk 94.19% 34,142.54pp 112,434,258,300 65 1,574 2,064
3 SillyFangirl 97.25% 33,238.02pp 26,344,987,533 41 3,881 1,650
4 bojii 98.03% 26,342.71pp 6,892,581,656 98 6,324 341
5 Piggy 97.85% 22,012.50pp 8,334,712,432 23 1,937 865
6 WhiteCat 98.63% 20,308.10pp 36,189,496,614 71 629 1,166
7 BTMC 98.94% 16,270.10pp 152,468,164,296 151 2,379 2,451
8 Mlaw 99.21% 16,219.00pp 167,378,805,002 288 3,690 3,704
9 goink 89.00% 12,480.53pp 15,428,392,396 72 1,027 1,408
10 kevin3333g 99.97% 10,054.33pp 36,583,252,556 72,655 642 6
11 GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,763.14pp 105,554,794,080 15,971 88,341 2,923
12 animeslayergp 96.44% 3,801.32pp 14,789,369,193 1,749 12,376 1,308
13 peppy 89.31% 1,302.02pp 485,742,218 15 65 177
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