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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 YesMyDarknesss 97.99% 38,106.55pp 127,135,860,877 782 3,161 1,268
2 Groex 97.63% 36,105.16pp 156,793,979,155 2,061 4,317 1,641
3 Ttobas 98.02% 35,139.42pp 110,462,253,576 2,114 3,394 683
4 mrekk 94.19% 34,142.54pp 112,434,258,300 65 1,574 2,064
5 SillyFangirl 97.25% 33,238.02pp 26,344,987,533 41 3,881 1,650
6 _aphantasia 96.89% 32,733.66pp 13,979,490,781 174 1,107 1,339
7 -Kaguya 97.82% 30,988.06pp 57,034,531,945 434 1,170 454
8 Mrbinking 99.40% 30,471.25pp 86,597,252,807 1,181 1,546 155
9 Camme79 97.33% 30,205.30pp 66,735,510,700 471 2,025 1,189
10 Bunnrei 97.91% 30,011.28pp 81,453,848,372 873 2,331 455
11 -Story- 94.41% 29,430.86pp 131,012,259,113 1,292 2,559 367
12 9MlCE 96.52% 29,395.25pp 52,056,618,314 40 1,065 2,179
13 AutoLs 98.10% 28,870.01pp 137,477,449,587 2,954 3,587 462
14 Epi75 97.74% 28,396.22pp 9,784,140,754 31 2,657 1,723
15 Blerargh 98.30% 28,150.86pp 5,283,868,483 71 1,402 1,049
16 LostCool 97.92% 27,602.17pp 14,819,178,681 213 4,533 1,208
17 Netamaru 98.38% 27,290.70pp 70,521,148,857 489 1,531 116
18 Genjuro 98.07% 25,635.01pp 55,236,127,651 1,566 6,933 9,150
19 badeu 96.21% 25,519.92pp 88,396,359,056 320 2,603 2,494
20 gal1 97.68% 23,811.69pp 68,138,521,660 670 2,168 956
21 Bubbleman 97.28% 23,452.54pp 127,128,442,393 429 1,817 3,605
22 NyanPotato 89.91% 22,853.69pp 16,233,918,668 16 434 1,022
23 Lynerrr 96.01% 22,588.34pp 3,845,265,943 99 1,057 1,092
24 Roidofanboy 98.79% 22,523.29pp 48,973,194,775 747 1,390 240
25 Neokje 97.26% 21,379.60pp 652,511,944 0 464 176
26 Golden 94.46% 21,067.78pp 6,299,717,894 548 2,568 556
27 SrChispa 97.10% 21,059.57pp 56,571,367,893 149 2,161 1,466
28 aitor98 97.03% 20,697.20pp 1,789,809,880 2 1,873 82
29 Intercambing 97.70% 20,662.29pp 88,781,515,508 205 2,556 2,329
30 yamss 97.69% 20,576.40pp 38,576,299,772 32 672 1,943
31 WhiteCat 98.63% 20,308.10pp 36,189,496,614 71 629 1,166
32 Andros 93.81% 19,785.45pp 58,769,954,825 41 934 1,395
33 suurii 97.45% 19,674.10pp 14,977,636,585 85 851 1,526
34 Tyronix 96.09% 19,278.70pp 3,504,803,782 1 3,088 620
35 Abyssal 96.78% 18,868.29pp 63,968,247,623 62 1,009 2,337
36 MrNobady 98.03% 18,791.00pp 79,323,047,878 80 1,679 1,772
37 -PloX 97.48% 18,385.60pp 72,823,033,849 371 1,358 3,177
38 [MG]Arnold24x24 98.85% 18,321.40pp 81,004,761,693 862 2,368 1,483
39 Gersonfull 98.68% 18,110.58pp 81,880,289,722 3,920 4,833 882
40 FGSky 96.12% 17,942.40pp 24,397,002,561 52 690 1,321
41 Akayro 92.88% 17,207.45pp 2,069,578,574 13 1,813 344
42 ElSkeffe 99.90% 17,125.60pp 67,218,008,861 714 2,387 416
43 dench 98.04% 16,906.40pp 52,550,868,454 37 794 1,623
44 LechuCzechu88 99.89% 16,854.30pp 80,430,452,755 1,410 1,905 59
45 frukoyurdakul 99.25% 16,815.60pp 2,237,790,250 86 457 527
46 Re1ax7 99.82% 16,249.80pp 30,040,548,812 172 1,092 248
47 daxeroz 97.39% 15,808.83pp 38,916,717,494 553 1,965 248
48 azr8 99.19% 15,462.90pp 28,894,951,178 39 654 2,080
49 Aseridan 97.59% 15,422.40pp 16,886,481,060 45 604 1,527
50 Skill 99.37% 14,867.00pp 102,489,086,038 729 2,963 2,042
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