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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1) mrekk 97.88% 26,850.70pp 100,645,232,237 61 1,472 1,544
2 (#2) Accolibed 98.02% 25,927.00pp 47,246,847,769 38 952 1,597
3 (#11) NyanPotato 97.01% 20,489.80pp 15,408,798,464 15 469 662
4 (#12) Zoomer 97.67% 20,284.50pp 38,271,624,571 30 699 1,559
5 (#15) aetrna 97.95% 20,147.30pp 21,048,599,708 141 649 1,154
6 (#20) WhiteCat 98.61% 19,844.80pp 33,486,571,577 64 553 910
7 (#35) [MG]Arnold24x24 98.82% 18,793.40pp 78,779,095,330 830 2,367 1,316
8 (#43) Fakercambing 98.89% 18,589.50pp 86,974,123,652 201 2,525 1,867
9 (#44) Vaxei 99.18% 18,588.60pp 70,932,873,951 93 1,163 1,251
10 (#67) Andros 98.42% 17,522.10pp 50,546,459,340 40 846 992
11 (#84) -PloX 98.12% 17,151.90pp 67,579,580,424 363 1,368 2,711
12 (#96) dench 98.42% 16,748.10pp 51,602,392,046 35 822 1,350
13 (#106) Micca 98.85% 16,633.90pp 24,827,199,104 85 926 736
14 (#111) FGSky 96.86% 16,530.90pp 23,535,255,513 50 742 1,005
15 (#113) Ailes Grises 98.10% 16,519.10pp 13,544,862,616 79 848 1,081
16 (#121) Bubbleman 99.03% 16,397.90pp 106,410,938,229 170 1,568 2,633
17 (#129) badeu 97.55% 16,292.00pp 87,654,516,724 300 2,342 1,683
18 (#161) SrChispa 98.37% 15,963.50pp 52,134,911,321 131 1,669 1,123
19 (#203) azr8 99.21% 15,518.50pp 28,053,745,014 39 667 1,797
20 (#210) Abyssal 99.14% 15,465.10pp 58,235,373,202 63 936 1,857
21 (#278) MrNobady 99.26% 14,877.20pp 78,011,883,965 79 1,371 1,280
22 (#352) Skill 99.54% 14,407.50pp 96,833,625,396 701 2,894 1,723
23 (#548) II II I 98.15% 13,620.50pp 15,459,957,953 40 610 1,118
24 (#1,368) Mattay 97.15% 11,963.70pp 25,503,112,060 73 919 1,120
25 (#1,440) KarliXon 99.20% 11,851.40pp 48,695,926,827 92 917 5,074
26 (#2,829) Reina- 98.57% 10,634.10pp 19,784,964,685 79 541 771
27 (#9,106) SillyFangirl 98.35% 8,648.24pp 22,700,545,749 37 836 1,003
28 (#24,025) Camme79 98.66% 7,065.85pp 8,201,966,274 15 302 804
29 (#25,439) Ttobas 99.21% 6,972.55pp 4,327,864,957 70 316 433
30 (#28,853) Genjuro 99.23% 6,768.78pp 40,326,701,643 238 1,374 2,920
31 (#31,014) _aphantasia 97.49% 6,650.35pp 3,014,749,531 74 410 439
32 (#31,334) Mrbinking 98.85% 6,632.90pp 6,251,353,200 3 298 96
33 (#42,139) Groex 99.20% 6,150.61pp 12,291,094,477 139 1,068 827
34 (#43,300) YesMyDarknesss 98.96% 6,106.77pp 10,955,359,389 10 312 742
35 (#64,427) Blerargh 98.91% 5,455.72pp 2,485,998,650 23 178 395
36 (#67,868) Epi75 99.11% 5,370.87pp 7,211,073,888 31 375 1,186
37 (#79,125) Tyronix 97.47% 5,118.38pp 6,785,497,431 12 304 882
38 (#105,240) LostCool 98.17% 4,641.08pp 11,082,844,160 209 975 1,011
39 (#109,621) -Kaguya 98.31% 4,572.23pp 1,091,172,581 7 58 197
40 (#117,434) gal1 98.59% 4,452.52pp 5,342,917,949 21 271 567
41 (#122,287) XXXZ 97.65% 4,380.48pp 2,163,874,879 4 195 164
42 (#225,758) Lynerrr 97.78% 3,240.65pp 1,295,432,238 22 132 142
43 (#227,759) Bunnrei 98.82% 3,224.14pp 791,429,330 19 74 145
44 (#313,000) Gersonfull 99.18% 2,639.35pp 1,679,795,797 225 360 420
45 (#367,204) AutoLs 97.45% 2,355.45pp 2,057,515,339 0 157 205
46 (#380,863) Xyphoes 96.78% 2,291.72pp 2,536,990,363 15 198 439
47 (#503,550) frukoyurdakul 97.83% 1,797.69pp 682,655,281 8 44 131
48 (#520,048) Golden 97.29% 1,741.96pp 231,921,695 29 95 52
49 (#681,835) ElSkeffe 97.67% 1,312.06pp 767,586,694 23 170 163
50 (#868,645) Re1ax7 94.15% 980.35pp 112,967,939 0 21 18
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