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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2) 9MlCE 97.93% 26,497.40pp 51,830,170,591 40 946 2,065
2 (#86) FGSky 96.12% 17,942.40pp 24,397,002,561 52 690 1,321
3 (#95) Umbre 99.61% 17,667.20pp 100,376,624,663 409 1,889 3,257
4 (#99) -DEVN 97.55% 17,637.30pp 30,579,302,025 11 505 1,901
5 (#135) etn 99.24% 16,996.00pp 60,649,247,749 1,068 1,890 1,159
6 (#215) SrChispa 97.83% 16,061.80pp 56,269,252,027 147 1,917 1,394
7 (#230) Coreanmaluco 98.62% 15,889.50pp 165,677,733,578 1,454 6,654 3,768
8 (#275) Rebo 99.09% 15,589.90pp 87,755,745,573 178 1,946 2,925
9 (#296) azr8 99.19% 15,462.90pp 28,894,951,178 39 654 2,080
10 (#851) Crystal 98.14% 13,320.00pp 193,878,875,275 1,033 6,621 2,886
11 (#866) BossPlays 98.89% 13,291.10pp 49,701,788,731 144 1,253 2,238
12 (#1,043) Dream Fire 97.42% 12,932.10pp 12,588,142,534 54 568 911
13 (#2,558) L e n 99.10% 11,239.00pp 21,662,502,333 191 619 1,248
14 (#3,947) Applequestria 98.42% 10,434.70pp 45,506,176,451 3,342 1,658 2,806
15 (#4,222) lepinja77 98.78% 10,313.00pp 179,608,580,683 3,115 8,861 3,823
16 (#4,247) roxanne 99.10% 10,305.20pp 16,155,776,062 121 565 1,416
17 (#5,075) Maffe 98.23% 10,008.30pp 33,151,195,037 102 1,184 1,931
18 (#5,265) MarGenDo 98.60% 9,937.74pp 35,613,237,252 79 1,000 2,097
19 (#7,837) Rashod 98.50% 9,187.72pp 57,695,130,690 119 1,629 2,491
20 (#8,110) sno 98.36% 9,125.64pp 22,375,769,468 63 787 2,233
21 (#8,642) Xytox 98.45% 9,014.91pp 71,013,059,961 374 2,725 2,020
22 (#11,246) Captain 99.64% 8,563.15pp 64,573,537,864 586 1,602 1,100
23 (#12,547) _aphantasia 95.51% 8,373.79pp 3,419,065,259 77 391 614
24 (#14,097) JDS20 98.57% 8,167.44pp 17,088,854,928 54 687 2,103
25 (#16,823) MrGoose 97.70% 7,850.37pp 12,992,707,887 271 811 1,824
26 (#17,812) WaShoy 98.71% 7,747.36pp 159,779,592,118 516 4,160 7,737
27 (#19,477) [ Zhiend ] 99.18% 7,589.77pp 21,060,077,304 186 878 1,666
28 (#20,150) Shakti 98.45% 7,527.89pp 13,249,993,987 62 652 1,177
29 (#20,348) EnigmaIsBoss 98.07% 7,510.58pp 12,635,367,907 32 371 1,126
30 (#23,168) Astrea 99.25% 7,291.77pp 17,632,597,059 101 1,016 1,048
31 (#24,307) Camme79 98.57% 7,211.64pp 8,292,972,482 15 289 931
32 (#27,324) Daletto 99.36% 7,014.13pp 24,657,436,275 398 1,273 803
33 (#29,015) Motion 96.28% 6,912.26pp 10,833,190,740 53 673 878
34 (#30,902) Genjuro 99.18% 6,803.19pp 40,328,821,093 236 1,359 3,171
35 (#32,210) XEPCOH 98.94% 6,728.31pp 22,551,659,669 121 1,641 896
36 (#33,680) Undead 98.13% 6,650.88pp 9,601,092,341 203 793 1,210
37 (#34,252) Chatie 99.31% 6,623.91pp 19,072,272,783 79 1,051 1,996
38 (#44,840) Dianthus 98.79% 6,158.34pp 17,128,789,329 138 632 1,057
39 (#47,851) Groex 99.21% 6,048.08pp 12,293,140,537 139 1,029 1,025
40 (#51,580) Makou 99.24% 5,913.59pp 28,305,295,625 229 1,598 1,899
41 (#55,062) Aryssiel 97.85% 5,798.39pp 5,962,708,518 39 447 694
42 (#73,158) Unlucky_w 98.95% 5,308.98pp 10,125,697,406 246 952 636
43 (#76,753) ZYuan 98.63% 5,223.93pp 9,818,388,282 74 697 601
44 (#86,492) jDoce12 98.30% 5,013.32pp 4,762,744,465 34 325 1,004
45 (#109,764) Nelly 99.01% 4,578.89pp 11,715,796,702 96 1,211 984
46 (#111,675) gal1 98.44% 4,545.11pp 5,482,566,723 21 260 669
47 (#141,383) Hana Yukiko 92.51% 4,093.32pp 2,020,717,932 12 134 438
48 (#146,804) TaikoWorldCup 97.69% 4,019.85pp 5,712,328,566 51 360 1,082
49 (#208,771) Bunnrei 98.63% 3,342.62pp 791,429,330 19 72 165
50 (#249,252) Gersonfull 97.46% 3,006.88pp 1,737,619,608 225 367 540
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