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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,904) Ui S 99.07% 3,316.78pp 490,765,742 18 89 46
2 (#7,207) Blight-kun 99.49% 2,102.34pp 795,157,804 30 134 34
3 (#21,145) glitchtrrp 98.90% 673.18pp 74,871,664 7 39 15
4 (#21,978) DarrenOsu 98.69% 630.61pp 142,906,270 4 32 24
5 (#40,790) HoximachiSuisei 92.59% 149.39pp 5,582,022 0 2 4
6 (#77,852) Fused1376 91.18% 31.31pp 1,159,119 1 0 1
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