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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#335) sing216 99.91% 13,384.10pp 7,363,684,965 11,717 61 3
2 (#4,106) Pouyter 99.23% 5,885.63pp 1,869,190,206 4,232 1,273 2
3 (#4,551) autofanboy 99.45% 5,567.95pp 603,451,781 18 519 250
4 (#5,888) Kazusa Touma 99.08% 4,793.33pp 350,904,429 327 386 91
5 (#9,277) Novoids 99.90% 3,520.32pp 1,091,301,929 4,348 803 46
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