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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
301 Motion 97.70% 56,909.35pp 139,417,772,041 1,464 4,595 1,133
302 Koltay 85.33% 12,492.10pp 139,109,027,731 16,856 3,466 2,975
303 DarkestMagi 99.19% 7,073.31pp 138,950,446,887 1,590 7,421 3,940
304 hyeok2044 96.83% 24,204.13pp 138,593,656,082 116 3,044 2,730
305 Molqus 97.55% 30,865.66pp 138,179,069,954 9,821 1,837 429
306 gasanww 99.54% 10,462.20pp 138,092,730,691 2,920 5,641 1,029
307 Rupertion 97.28% 24,452.63pp 138,048,441,877 1,525 3,784 2,734
308 Numero_Zer0e 98.38% 10,726.40pp 137,531,881,035 1,472 6,163 2,514
309 Piro13 97.81% 4,682.66pp 137,420,723,541 13,725 19,812 5,726
310 Sowisty 98.38% 18,003.27pp 137,405,900,125 35,819 2,758 1,001
311 OnniS6 98.02% 11,903.49pp 137,375,987,349 5,990 10,132 7,281
312 froon 97.68% 21,747.87pp 137,317,106,892 686 15,447 7,603
313 Captain 98.17% 37,363.11pp 137,212,666,452 1,567 4,795 1,811
314 BadWolfi 99.01% 7,941.85pp 137,020,623,860 729 3,668 4,551
315 Didfus 99.39% 12,263.34pp 136,708,645,508 11,464 2,191 552
316 Maxkem 91.91% 11,603.47pp 136,692,631,688 3,267 3,553 3,734
317 Sherry 98.86% 4,060.09pp 136,464,161,587 9,405 25,001 3,294
318 LoredanaTomaFan 96.85% 10,290.78pp 136,380,171,367 704 8,165 7,920
319 Karthy 99.22% 16,176.80pp 135,753,229,690 1,018 4,445 2,922
320 _r10t_p4t_ 78.30% 4,883.01pp 135,746,730,378 1,908 12,376 1,524
321 sekirei 98.94% 14,165.94pp 135,590,529,144 3,842 6,190 2,099
322 Tuon 99.41% 12,389.80pp 135,399,882,920 304 3,309 3,110
323 koiishi 98.87% 5,817.38pp 135,347,956,048 5,342 10,310 9,891
324 Vandabe 96.19% 15,224.28pp 135,186,892,538 1,392 7,801 2,819
325 Smarteyy 97.91% 15,037.00pp 134,960,139,892 111 3,144 4,221
326 Kekai 97.12% 12,436.38pp 134,948,997,980 616 4,347 6,236
327 SadnessWillSear 97.25% 17,791.14pp 134,819,137,604 204 2,722 2,422
328 dbzguru32 99.72% 4,363.49pp 134,735,922,464 7,073 6,826 80
329 Minecraft570 98.72% 11,919.66pp 134,690,948,447 2,430 4,221 2,664
330 ImMyyrh 99.39% 11,365.29pp 134,613,814,827 20,580 6,664 2,503
331 Futaba aoi 99.18% 6,119.19pp 134,537,385,209 5,462 12,214 10
332 xbox dog 96.99% 18,690.17pp 134,239,200,782 3,453 3,551 2,227
333 autofanboy 99.58% 19,904.58pp 134,036,395,263 4,391 4,294 309
334 Sooty 97.58% 9,194.84pp 134,002,228,539 3,126 4,439 101
335 Rucker 99.46% 10,552.70pp 133,908,547,209 4,147 5,225 1,582
336 AutoLs 97.70% 29,011.29pp 133,879,106,716 3,043 3,433 356
337 Leebs 97.22% 16,875.96pp 133,571,455,675 390 4,450 4,428
338 b-a-d-s123 100.00% 19,655.70pp 133,355,851,531 7,136 0 0
339 Sampo 97.17% 14,967.83pp 132,787,809,048 1,741 5,655 5,389
340 kuroneko2525 99.41% 9,374.63pp 132,622,280,818 14,774 2,567 334
341 little Agile 98.99% 10,515.65pp 131,252,123,896 1,541 5,217 1,502
342 Spork Lover 96.63% 14,598.68pp 131,160,503,510 495 4,330 3,619
343 Zonemax 97.39% 20,300.74pp 130,957,621,285 8,382 3,757 1,061
344 Mastasz 97.07% 24,843.02pp 130,823,842,177 506 4,105 2,236
345 NaRiTA TaiShiN 98.24% 17,153.56pp 130,542,329,389 3,676 4,440 2,652
346 PostScr1pt 97.15% 12,051.18pp 130,335,069,677 4,124 13,846 3,522
347 Uchirrod 96.17% 15,034.39pp 130,279,880,393 114 3,237 5,446
348 Serious07 94.86% 5,421.28pp 130,174,517,763 43,051 2,713 2,310
349 13187berlin 92.09% 10,068.46pp 129,585,330,493 14,545 17 11
350 thaibuy 97.64% 17,409.48pp 129,470,860,792 570 5,402 1,845
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