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Last updated on the 13th of June 2020
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Rank Player 1,000,000 Count Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
501 13695676 4 0.00% 0.00pp 0 0 0 0
502 -DanteMayCry- 4 100.00% 0.00pp 675,511,419 364 340 1
503 ZYuan 4 95.76% 17,829.60pp 2,552,865,330 584 1,987 80
504 maborusy 4 96.21% 1,905.12pp 3,175,593,759 881 2,574 141
505 Arkitev 4 96.71% 7,725.98pp 2,500,197,619 617 1,659 288
506 Zyph 4 97.12% 10,120.60pp 824,828,057 316 509 46
507 M a r l o 4 96.73% 2,746.43pp 1,860,838,598 820 1,046 48
508 BossMadWolf 4 95.35% 11,958.20pp 2,293,983,738 559 1,591 261
509 alex_sennin 4 96.02% 5,017.47pp 2,192,902,940 708 1,273 263
510 tomaspectre7 4 95.44% 3,142.85pp 1,406,407,228 317 890 330
511 Ew4n -II- 4 99.99% 1,307.82pp 567,354,005 565 5 0
512 [ Tsukasa ]_old 4 98.09% 4,446.52pp 376,496,001 226 156 1
513 FutabaAnzu 4 95.56% 17,141.30pp 1,763,160,277 531 1,223 4
514 Perfume-Chan 4 99.76% 872.58pp 1,692,281,019 1,703 24 1
515 Angerfist 4 97.35% 1,055.84pp 447,636,215 267 177 15
516 Blume 4 96.70% 4,726.90pp 963,415,575 261 745 75
517 Hira 4 95.99% 7,977.47pp 1,398,307,684 449 998 25
518 --0 4 95.73% 8,469.72pp 2,135,984,550 449 1,835 156
519 kram013 4 97.21% 3,400.46pp 1,495,925,770 584 956 34
520 iGrzes 4 96.39% 5,424.38pp 1,009,694,511 157 853 87
521 IndyMania 4 96.17% 4,761.16pp 525,874,696 258 275 18
522 Loncys 4 95.90% 11,634.90pp 2,739,602,732 1,349 1,400 111
523 OCaca 4 96.97% 7,808.36pp 2,721,755,891 1,851 865 33
524 Accuse 4 95.73% 2,699.62pp 625,330,040 301 348 24
525 Sleepteiner 4 95.44% 883.79pp 6,575,704,985 6,482 54 50
526 blacklotus6 4 99.99% 966.51pp 2,261,171,887 2,265 23 0
527 Seramie 4 96.62% 5,233.77pp 1,305,265,671 536 729 83
528 -LASU- 4 95.27% 5,323.93pp 4,123,979,664 1,657 2,463 207
529 CV-01 3 90.57% 0.00pp 284,930,967 176 64 38
530 MelodyZero 3 96.17% 6,544.43pp 1,398,177,010 481 902 71
531 SpeeFay- 3 95.94% 6,755.07pp 979,949,990 412 622 54
532 Lollolloth 3 96.38% 3,557.10pp 849,920,025 279 602 14
533 Consistency 3 95.43% 4,193.02pp 854,618,878 39 555 386
534 M1si3k 3 95.10% 11,091.10pp 8,363,704,842 5,846 2,293 562
535 Crystal 3 96.11% 5,638.17pp 1,462,456,724 329 1,173 90
536 Haruhine Maya 3 99.81% 0.00pp 783,252,860 725 83 2
537 Nanatsu 3 96.83% 10,143.10pp 1,295,347,517 760 543 4
538 ramadhanptr 3 95.69% 2,952.82pp 730,122,438 212 457 97
539 Ayachi- 3 94.95% 3,379.46pp 1,859,213,416 864 776 300
540 Amar-Cage 3 97.02% 2,932.49pp 1,725,408,117 608 1,131 81
541 corei46 3 94.37% 1,888.06pp 1,542,377,608 915 568 124
542 Lindyes 3 97.75% 9,063.90pp 1,205,474,488 520 679 35
543 UYU 3 96.59% 3,806.47pp 1,610,231,205 459 1,180 74
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