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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceTotal Score SS S A
401 Vaxei 99.18% 18,588.60pp 561,081,196,547 93 1,163 1,251
402 Eagle5324 95.55% 21,491.66pp 560,999,172,952 440 2,577 1,775
403 Jairod 97.59% 11,683.25pp 560,978,719,576 10,804 14,174 8,300
404 Chiharu 99.34% 11,309.80pp 560,829,614,487 206 1,727 2,127
405 Camme79 97.36% 29,504.40pp 560,131,214,741 472 1,972 1,038
406 Darrile 99.41% 10,226.30pp 559,343,748,219 2,462 6,158 591
407 Enns 97.47% 14,161.43pp 558,990,973,089 146 1,099 1,040
408 MegaMK 98.04% 15,141.07pp 558,184,019,717 131 1,849 984
409 MBAPPEEEEEEEEEE 95.54% 17,902.53pp 557,440,743,262 631 2,427 1,629
410 SS is hard 97.22% 12,799.90pp 557,062,677,374 33,151 6,878 1,829
411 noraRcat 99.99% 12,727.40pp 556,736,474,458 13,060 121 1
412 Psc_IceRain 99.84% 10,211.90pp 555,945,230,432 1,187 4,183 373
413 Peti 97.32% 11,919.20pp 555,527,095,321 100 2,570 4,242
414 Fobxx 95.40% 14,358.05pp 555,300,071,400 27 524 741
415 Meniwa 95.96% 13,123.90pp 555,195,973,085 10 713 2,095
416 Tebi 98.88% 12,384.40pp 555,021,237,947 266 2,861 3,275
417 Recvee 95.61% 14,627.53pp 553,745,215,203 158 3,831 5,156
418 Monk Gyatso 91.68% 12,923.33pp 553,713,985,992 126 3,258 4,171
419 Arue 99.06% 10,488.50pp 553,427,546,310 632 4,215 1,943
420 waywern2012 96.33% 23,169.13pp 553,332,805,274 181 2,066 4,132
421 pepe996 97.22% 11,908.08pp 552,672,276,033 373 3,712 2,016
422 ti gnida 94.21% 24,243.77pp 552,588,550,018 1,079 2,125 608
423 -pare 99.37% 16,740.47pp 551,920,720,796 170 1,766 2,274
424 Kamykazi 96.88% 16,702.51pp 551,861,537,823 61 1,122 1,246
425 flansl 92.68% 11,086.60pp 551,223,139,656 59 1,806 1,970
426 Anroyz 99.39% 15,301.86pp 550,735,455,126 183 1,869 3,565
427 theez 99.46% 14,074.40pp 550,634,580,499 549 1,626 1,357
428 Emilbus 97.00% 15,520.75pp 550,517,021,737 1,390 5,974 6,013
429 Camberos 99.25% 15,142.80pp 550,118,069,292 309 2,393 1,688
430 cloud_chaser02 98.95% 16,723.43pp 549,860,786,867 108 1,193 1,280
431 Neab 96.68% 9,028.23pp 549,408,627,996 976 4,962 1,999
432 Romania 99.48% 8,447.19pp 548,575,329,186 20,477 6,951 2,535
433 Ritmo Brigido 95.22% 15,964.44pp 548,476,431,902 10,596 4,975 478
434 Cres 99.32% 9,735.40pp 548,415,559,405 2,099 8,437 2,206
435 Stoneybeans 97.12% 10,447.93pp 548,312,857,640 1,258 10,136 7,670
436 Marjus 98.51% 14,587.58pp 547,031,542,956 100 1,521 2,100
437 N A R X I S 98.48% 10,927.50pp 546,222,688,813 22 1,307 1,600
438 GranDSenpai 96.86% 14,063.21pp 546,023,082,147 307 1,632 2,598
439 Deceitful 99.99% 11,261.00pp 545,809,121,613 2,130 47 4
440 -ExGon- 99.74% 10,684.85pp 545,688,680,433 40,097 3,664 931
441 Ragezeus 99.07% 13,520.10pp 545,545,592,722 32 691 2,077
442 Revi- 96.11% 25,395.78pp 545,464,632,572 1,605 5,225 1,860
443 Netamaru 98.38% 27,304.52pp 545,101,039,725 502 1,520 114
444 VoProSSoFF 97.80% 18,737.92pp 545,045,828,642 94 1,092 1,673
445 13187berlin 92.09% 10,068.27pp 543,559,031,852 14,540 17 11
446 R1cho 94.39% 16,135.39pp 543,136,218,342 91 1,718 3,083
447 Epes 75.25% 14,905.19pp 542,439,613,151 57 725 1,694
448 OcklePod 97.17% 9,288.81pp 542,358,328,847 24,564 8,115 7,522
449 Ancenthe 98.92% 12,202.20pp 542,251,803,712 147 2,011 3,211
450 Juh 97.77% 20,107.60pp 541,795,619,414 75 1,225 2,717
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