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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
601 (#3,627) [Lunatic Elf] 98.51% 6,815.14pp 17,506,338,900 5,743 14,294 5,062
602 (#12,653) Cocoamallows 98.51% 3,364.87pp 241,329,492 163 172 172
603 (#479) -HiddenTaco- 98.51% 12,560.00pp 2,822,739,134 102 755 865
604 (#3,744) Innocent Key 98.51% 6,724.07pp 1,719,535,398 269 2,362 36
605 (#193) honkers 98.51% 14,669.80pp 3,008,722,693 190 1,812 806
606 (#1,156) Gomen Yuuka 98.50% 10,394.10pp 2,719,975,503 29 870 1,128
607 (#6,713) cephaphysic 98.50% 5,107.44pp 1,415,243,788 45 1,091 742
608 (#2,677) Friedchicken 98.50% 7,710.56pp 1,473,696,992 54 1,064 573
609 (#55) HaLTi 98.50% 17,184.20pp 1,520,057,247 205 513 679
610 (#2,532) M i l o t i c 98.50% 7,894.88pp 816,259,790 9 633 173
611 (#9,153) rtyamazaki 98.50% 4,240.61pp 502,681,833 25 907 63
612 (#2,085) taikorage 98.50% 8,476.51pp 978,462,042 12 572 238
613 (#1,959) froon 98.49% 8,671.04pp 6,949,187,165 200 5,115 2,412
614 (#593) Yomiz 98.49% 12,043.00pp 1,477,178,890 93 528 344
615 (#173) snz 98.49% 14,893.60pp 3,968,110,624 76 1,278 1,031
616 (#11,136) BluGalaxian 98.49% 3,707.27pp 746,699,352 73 691 468
617 (#1,472) Kuwamakamaru 98.49% 9,633.68pp 1,930,880,270 940 719 942
618 (#315) Dusk- 98.49% 13,549.50pp 1,769,818,572 327 1,000 548
619 (#186) tasuke912 98.48% 14,733.50pp 1,877,484,880 332 1,672 409
620 (#146) Dioramos 98.48% 15,224.20pp 2,455,961,574 9 573 668
621 (#11,497) Lay 98.48% 3,617.36pp 325,199,372 31 531 174
622 (#36) miki308 98.48% 17,813.10pp 3,376,477,226 32 876 1,122
623 (#1,377) flr 98.48% 9,813.79pp 5,137,053,699 77 1,097 3,766
624 (#751) Thomas Papillon 98.47% 11,482.20pp 1,765,441,369 171 966 472
625 (#32,582) Digitalfear117 98.47% 1,397.24pp 43,509,209 106 32 23
626 (#619) duski 98.47% 11,955.60pp 2,867,919,967 660 2,807 73
627 (#1,840) -Schwarts 98.46% 8,891.08pp 570,843,277 204 207 119
628 (#102) D3kuu 98.46% 16,039.10pp 5,011,046,561 1,684 3,360 522
629 (#140) ASliceOfPi 98.46% 15,248.90pp 1,527,476,672 51 506 646
630 (#2,122) 1794766 98.45% 8,412.13pp 2,225,219,152 124 1,380 760
631 (#472) BigNounours 98.45% 12,630.70pp 1,982,424,459 35 517 713
632 (#719) Axurtel 98.45% 11,575.70pp 2,199,336,800 127 1,288 738
633 (#18,355) CrazyKitty357 98.45% 2,461.43pp 611,006,885 92 1,068 453
634 (#1,636) AsukaLangley 98.45% 9,301.20pp 3,198,380,303 664 3,050 860
635 (#13,532) Bidoof 98.45% 3,197.58pp 257,162,198 239 602 55
636 (#1,821) Fuel 98.45% 8,914.30pp 1,551,558,313 1,152 686 558
637 (#908) Solor 98.45% 11,009.40pp 2,855,323,308 4,244 1,208 948
638 (#19,791) Crafterdark 98.44% 2,287.35pp 182,293,471 683 206 129
639 (#4,944) WubWoofWolf 98.44% 5,944.10pp 2,808,424,154 1,169 2,158 2,194
640 (#655) Garpo 98.44% 11,817.20pp 2,551,911,472 74 876 927
641 (#6,275) oolong teaa 98.44% 5,305.55pp 1,607,227,399 3,062 257 534
642 (#33) K8107 98.44% 17,955.10pp 2,467,304,297 119 764 496
643 (#8,269) ybs0306 98.44% 4,523.44pp 908,210,731 59 750 628
644 (#101) Prymal 98.43% 16,058.00pp 1,435,161,246 141 739 410
645 (#277) numamuto1 98.43% 13,921.30pp 2,069,335,078 289 1,601 366
646 (#1,584) Skama 98.43% 9,404.08pp 4,288,011,317 343 2,374 1,574
647 (#1,018) -Undefined- 98.43% 10,706.00pp 2,420,281,476 28 509 1,108
648 (#66) -yukineko- 98.43% 16,941.00pp 2,614,225,282 44 799 585
649 (#2,867) Neptar27 98.43% 7,515.86pp 2,572,963,376 12 530 2,137
650 (#743) [Rori] 98.43% 11,518.00pp 1,875,119,310 55 1,210 364
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