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[TMEO] Clan Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,373) Lenny_cL 96.46% 9,621.07pp 898,199,343 23 823 142
2 (#4,047) itourith 96.81% 9,197.35pp 1,350,185,731 82 1,194 161
3 (#5,249) [TMEO]Sharli 97.25% 8,604.02pp 1,942,471,631 36 1,800 231
4 (#10,637) [TMEO]mioxyde 96.24% 6,999.85pp 515,262,853 5 427 132
5 (#13,458) MiauMiau_ 96.44% 6,435.99pp 2,063,798,578 75 1,759 369
6 (#469,112) OsuUser2 84.65% 276.33pp 477,880,001 12 368 139
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