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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#16,875) AR9 96.06% 5,892.35pp 501,349,563 6 344 213
2 (#18,727) Skull Kid 97.06% 5,657.69pp 585,938,388 5 499 153
3 (#20,617) Ikkun 95.15% 5,458.83pp 1,082,095,289 68 936 167
4 (#37,906) A-40 94.50% 4,213.83pp 317,413,336 3 192 157
5 (#46,143) Friedchicken 96.60% 3,827.47pp 619,243,180 44 591 32
6 (#46,723) Minion24 95.19% 3,802.92pp 311,453,102 2 125 178
7 (#65,807) Arach 94.39% 3,119.96pp 677,781,696 30 430 252
8 (#165,084) Kyoumo 95.17% 1,456.83pp 109,569,676 0 86 30
9 (#239,573) Quorum 93.93% 941.45pp 138,300,974 0 59 78
10 (#448,846) eww 90.31% 306.81pp 510,785,837 0 13 10
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