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UniĆ£o Sinistra

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#123,033) Jo Yuri 95.62% 1,910.31pp 161,686,197 0 101 70
2 (#136,124) -felicia 95.39% 1,744.11pp 238,377,803 39 181 32
3 (#230,709) nicas 96.32% 985.69pp 170,211,293 2 120 50
4 (#674,902) viniccius13 92.60% 80.64pp 14,913,060 1 8 6
5 (#1,778,595) batatinho 65.61% 4.16pp 733,709 0 0 0
6 (#2,389,122) Psykka 46.29% 2.08pp 238,617 0 0 0
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