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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#74,303) TheWizoid 93.32% 2,864.24pp 370,498,180 3 180 251
2 (#278,811) ChangoTheBeast 97.10% 760.48pp 179,594,647 1 159 35
3 (#344,446) Cheesecake 95.64% 538.51pp 72,611,472 3 49 18
4 (#385,751) josph12 95.07% 431.38pp 99,808,223 18 60 13
5 (#535,679) Declan 92.20% 184.46pp 32,701,634 1 14 16
6 (#1,505,688) Safdafdo 39.86% 6.22pp 280,050 0 0 0
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