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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#700) A-40 99.71% 9,227.36pp 3,810,311,376 34 310 124
2 (#6,342) Arach 98.80% 2,854.86pp 1,352,983,909 38 373 191
3 (#7,623) Friedchicken 99.79% 2,564.05pp 2,076,149,958 99 311 24
4 (#10,367) Minion24 99.22% 2,144.74pp 1,067,859,798 62 243 185
5 (#11,781) Skull Kid 98.78% 1,979.30pp 1,501,605,503 39 157 193
6 (#32,223) eww 98.36% 947.17pp 804,386,865 2 45 54
7 (#41,379) Quorum 97.56% 748.68pp 85,143,078 0 21 37
8 (#52,415) Kyoumo 98.35% 578.95pp 46,740,746 3 20 11
9 (#54,713) AR9 96.82% 550.44pp 87,273,872 1 15 33
10 (#68,451) Rovigo 96.48% 416.51pp 42,067,439 0 10 44
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