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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
51 (#15,438) [NaNachi] 95.17% 2,842.42pp 44,580,504 6 30 57
52 (#16,141) -Navillera 97.77% 2,738.41pp 79,689,170 2 56 87
53 (#16,456) dressurf 93.64% 2,691.18pp 42,248,793 0 9 19
54 (#18,857) ppjjss 95.42% 2,377.71pp 29,708,699 0 21 35
55 (#22,023) YesMyDarknesss 95.89% 2,045.87pp 34,918,336 0 7 41
56 (#27,285) Anze 97.59% 1,659.38pp 15,448,644 4 27 14
57 (#27,489) DevilFace 96.18% 1,645.52pp 37,393,390 6 52 65
58 (#33,564) FlyingTuna 96.32% 1,339.05pp 8,341,650 5 20 9
59 (#48,915) Ruiz 94.79% 880.52pp 11,852,717 1 21 35
60 (#56,945) Lovefool 94.88% 726.92pp 9,706,009 1 32 12
61 (#102,335) My Angel RangE 84.69% 303.61pp 2,356,712 0 1 3
62 (#126,840) Lurinel 91.16% 214.14pp 22,669,334 3 23 20
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