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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#46) Skull Kid 98.82% 17,349.40pp 2,288,405,135 72 977 297
2 (#49) A-40 98.99% 17,280.30pp 1,738,560,015 183 846 615
3 (#64) ndrrr 99.35% 16,916.70pp 4,122,484,028 1,206 2,619 922
4 (#82) Kyoumo 98.40% 16,343.30pp 2,164,929,449 34 767 790
5 (#210) Ikkun 98.72% 14,453.40pp 5,948,153,168 1,406 3,631 1,131
6 (#572) Rovigo 97.89% 12,079.70pp 1,029,269,483 0 137 305
7 (#660) AR9 97.23% 11,732.40pp 1,263,389,031 3 245 421
8 (#756) eww 98.34% 11,406.60pp 5,029,260,025 17 198 776
9 (#1,196) Arach 97.98% 10,230.80pp 1,484,477,765 51 518 553
10 (#1,563) Arrival 98.81% 9,408.46pp 1,538,266,124 46 1,104 262
11 (#1,756) Quorum 97.68% 8,998.49pp 3,459,620,042 13 805 1,648
12 (#2,642) Friedchicken 98.50% 7,710.56pp 1,456,636,651 54 1,061 557
13 (#2,754) Kozzo 97.81% 7,594.41pp 1,996,725,250 5 582 1,055
14 (#3,029) Minion24 98.30% 7,327.30pp 741,937,130 13 158 611
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