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PatouZ Amis

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#4,550) SitekX 98.91% 6,154.82pp 715,523,248 4 230 478
2 (#6,858) [RUE]Koiidex 98.91% 5,021.01pp 155,092,415 10 108 88
3 (#9,341) Adri 96.41% 4,164.97pp 110,634,695 14 53 83
4 (#12,189) Kasumi-sama 98.00% 3,442.94pp 177,415,019 13 112 218
5 (#20,228) Riyumi 96.19% 2,219.20pp 99,263,907 2 45 114
6 (#19,113) PatouZ 94.97% 1,499.63pp 38,301,093 9 53 35
7 (#34,641) quentin5110054 91.15% 1,295.83pp 15,842,448 2 13 13
8 (#30,092) ZayyKen 97.74% 1,231.82pp 22,151,991 16 33 24
9 (#65,275) KenshiroEditz 92.12% 606.46pp 5,124,500 1 12 5
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