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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#934) Jalepers 98.22% 12,629.30pp 25,206,751,211 14 416 1,381
2 (#2,219) EfrainGMiD2 98.52% 11,079.70pp 41,484,331,023 185 1,355 2,209
3 (#7,491) Reimu- 98.93% 8,974.95pp 149,418,263,394 280 3,449 6,451
4 (#10,488) -lokillo- 99.44% 8,435.27pp 24,658,075,820 122 818 1,326
5 (#10,993) Azuren 99.29% 8,362.18pp 43,254,285,104 170 1,624 1,311
6 (#14,689) Zaphkiel1 98.32% 7,878.23pp 7,861,216,773 21 448 489
7 (#62,150) -Paleta- 98.08% 5,516.62pp 3,858,672,974 8 191 445
8 (#140,526) Ferpoleon 99.22% 4,130.16pp 10,954,694,514 490 1,094 1,666
9 (#386,548) KendoMidoriya 93.28% 2,268.61pp 1,965,715,467 5 68 217
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