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Ciudad de Mexico

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#129) Riot 98.06% 16,309.60pp 60,003,968,336 159 1,721 2,180
2 (#1,082) Nadir 98.89% 12,384.40pp 17,848,838,211 59 570 1,244
3 (#1,601) KevstracK 98.13% 11,651.60pp 51,978,163,601 88 1,362 1,925
4 (#3,188) Muzkat 98.87% 10,434.80pp 12,412,352,604 68 780 1,030
5 (#3,515) Flameshock 99.44% 10,276.40pp 119,705,112,514 1,104 4,040 1,889
6 (#20,030) -Euphxrya 96.12% 7,359.88pp 8,073,241,084 39 299 422
7 (#21,741) ImNoob 99.36% 7,228.30pp 17,485,562,572 190 907 1,375
8 (#22,550) Baba Ganoush 97.83% 7,169.63pp 20,798,391,678 36 583 1,772
9 (#27,133) Drenzer 98.90% 6,869.65pp 24,030,250,146 118 1,271 1,186
10 (#30,968) ChilaKiller 100.00% 6,653.28pp 10,100,592,162 3,085 23 1
11 (#36,637) Baskest 98.75% 6,378.86pp 20,027,240,311 17 980 984
12 (#49,370) ZaveryK 99.26% 5,891.58pp 9,338,612,184 54 701 828
13 (#108,844) F_X 97.87% 4,584.99pp 8,452,213,457 8 383 686
14 (#110,194) Noobscoper 98.05% 4,564.12pp 4,205,847,013 19 246 520
15 (#224,460) GGizy 98.19% 3,252.44pp 6,739,672,872 15 623 657
16 (#397,535) latinoscar 96.31% 2,215.03pp 2,119,232,076 74 299 316
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