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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#70) Spare 99.43% 17,430.30pp 153,113,935,460 962 3,725 3,096
2 (#126) Bubbleman 99.03% 16,397.90pp 106,969,406,703 178 1,588 2,671
3 (#143) Karthy 99.22% 16,176.80pp 135,753,229,690 1,018 4,445 2,922
4 (#374) Danny Carey 99.50% 14,345.10pp 296,078,532,555 7,219 8,057 4,197
5 (#551) Wario 98.36% 13,639.10pp 69,545,029,367 278 1,960 2,703
6 (#683) haunte 98.93% 13,246.90pp 111,521,620,180 1,485 6,700 3,639
7 (#762) Voss 98.75% 13,064.20pp 63,813,848,360 1,260 2,493 1,486
8 (#1,334) Woffel 99.24% 12,043.40pp 58,891,609,182 107 966 3,214
9 (#1,404) Ventus 99.04% 11,934.20pp 232,911,964,789 547 6,204 2,720
10 (#2,110) Alevari 99.33% 11,189.80pp 60,760,856,123 201 2,192 2,199
11 (#2,252) Doomsday 98.67% 11,071.60pp 293,397,946,551 1,102 9,569 4,411
12 (#2,670) Harpy 99.22% 10,748.10pp 48,912,506,450 93 1,172 1,463
13 (#3,431) Jameslike 98.87% 10,328.50pp 80,067,414,117 113 1,878 1,305
14 (#3,713) Storm_AT 99.06% 10,201.60pp 91,547,600,095 2,301 5,142 1,634
15 (#3,769) helix 99.42% 10,182.70pp 80,352,779,546 2,233 2,994 1,753
16 (#3,875) spook 98.29% 10,141.90pp 46,253,876,553 171 1,564 2,561
17 (#4,748) Pengrio 98.91% 9,783.22pp 158,583,368,582 2,293 6,841 4,330
18 (#5,252) Seven 99.59% 9,613.15pp 50,599,064,382 1,647 2,517 2,014
19 (#8,802) rockstarrzz 99.28% 8,719.36pp 213,807,651,776 5,018 23,275 945
20 (#9,344) Errxr 99.51% 8,622.70pp 87,877,352,066 8,940 3,170 3,876
21 (#9,836) burgerapoc 99.17% 8,543.64pp 54,498,793,204 1,717 4,120 4,113
22 (#9,983) OskaRRRitoS 99.02% 8,525.00pp 89,991,100,225 1,656 3,578 2,161
23 (#10,368) dong 99.32% 8,467.26pp 71,983,130,436 659 3,881 2,622
24 (#10,466) Tilley 99.24% 8,451.70pp 51,229,662,086 159 1,843 2,382
25 (#10,475) Sylstice 99.30% 8,451.25pp 75,792,444,639 87 1,411 3,237
26 (#10,578) idealnettles 98.65% 8,434.01pp 79,226,767,854 419 2,656 3,668
27 (#12,437) Volcanism 99.44% 8,169.68pp 37,359,358,137 425 2,035 944
28 (#14,102) Taiga Tiger 98.75% 7,957.53pp 72,754,039,900 1,049 5,064 3,677
29 (#14,518) NeVMiku 98.83% 7,906.21pp 72,041,337,737 464 3,865 1,312
30 (#14,558) Sobriquet 99.71% 7,901.81pp 201,078,997,764 19,999 13,175 4,171
31 (#15,599) Caelan 99.31% 7,785.79pp 67,707,116,106 1,073 3,915 2,808
32 (#16,139) Terriama 99.23% 7,729.30pp 80,470,364,572 892 3,094 2,840
33 (#21,046) Gaz 99.72% 7,294.34pp 59,811,139,917 5,722 2,492 1,413
34 (#24,140) mmi 99.19% 7,071.05pp 363,325,769,487 9,793 33,172 274
35 (#24,537) RndGuy 97.05% 7,045.34pp 52,486,155,590 55 1,725 2,547
36 (#25,652) fjw 99.21% 6,970.59pp 63,427,456,110 16,606 5,256 2,432
37 (#26,370) TheKillingBeast 99.19% 6,925.76pp 47,095,603,347 101 1,247 2,493
38 (#28,170) Gely 99.44% 6,818.50pp 40,664,821,873 232 1,958 2,073
39 (#28,276) 4Circ 98.88% 6,812.67pp 51,312,531,326 56 1,109 2,715
40 (#28,836) CircleFairy 99.18% 6,780.85pp 43,032,388,818 150 1,464 2,730
41 (#31,567) Olib 99.32% 6,633.25pp 169,773,911,966 1,293 10,346 2,384
42 (#34,217) Choke Easy 99.14% 6,501.54pp 42,722,951,314 1,067 4,584 2,417
43 (#36,889) TheMeq 99.09% 6,378.46pp 33,727,846,308 500 2,123 1,334
44 (#51,998) koiishi 98.87% 5,817.38pp 134,777,884,391 5,342 10,301 9,875
45 (#75,752) Fat Whale 98.84% 5,202.98pp 94,493,249,650 13,051 19,201 4,044
46 (#107,769) VirtualMuffin 99.06% 4,612.24pp 133,594,792,613 8,741 18,938 8,910
47 (#126,408) legoboomette 99.16% 4,330.47pp 65,105,659,583 352 4,219 5,552
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