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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#248) Camberos 99.25% 15,140.90pp 76,105,949,688 308 2,393 1,688
2 (#514) Alfrah 99.19% 13,741.50pp 62,259,721,271 229 1,844 2,188
3 (#5,661) Siros 98.23% 9,469.42pp 16,453,118,814 17 530 1,032
4 (#6,411) Trint 99.48% 9,247.00pp 15,605,208,311 234 1,345 163
5 (#10,708) iIadrianIi 99.35% 8,399.97pp 18,915,070,738 105 477 1,422
6 (#32,050) Rezlyy 99.03% 6,596.86pp 8,837,765,813 22 399 352
7 (#48,225) Iojioji 98.58% 5,930.19pp 23,610,149,690 20 944 1,669
8 (#111,360) J0s4nTma5 98.73% 4,545.36pp 14,572,583,667 214 1,198 1,268
9 (#141,282) hasegami 97.59% 4,116.83pp 3,888,138,865 8 335 387
10 (#246,796) SofiLovesu 98.81% 3,074.24pp 4,748,558,972 213 522 898
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