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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,637) -Atour- 98.66% 11,164.80pp 43,159,650,582 22 801 1,617
2 (#3,998) FooTShOoT 97.06% 10,379.90pp 24,676,014,664 20 648 1,587
3 (#7,109) MwaCestRom 98.12% 9,356.82pp 67,361,260,342 30 1,413 2,206
4 (#10,914) Iofjnarbosq 95.31% 8,600.63pp 33,317,619,281 106 523 1,783
5 (#11,329) - Sushi - 96.94% 8,529.09pp 12,893,992,617 42 600 762
6 (#11,471) Trayyzer 97.49% 8,508.45pp 12,111,968,439 63 616 1,110
7 (#16,264) MwaCestTom 98.40% 7,893.30pp 137,110,392,268 931 6,124 4,235
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