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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#4,661) Virgo 98.95% 9,829.52pp 244,656,610,738 51,591 612 7,293
2 (#10,992) seven39 99.82% 8,387.91pp 349,361,635,030 47,725 12,579 9,284
3 (#46,449) Sevelik 99.19% 6,011.43pp 100,630,916,134 31,973 3,974 1,714
4 (#34,216) Namazu 99.40% 6,511.20pp 101,052,044,998 31,590 3,042 1,974
5 (#323) Haadez 98.76% 14,666.00pp 161,656,725,352 23,387 3,084 4,683
6 (#1,299) Sowisty 99.38% 12,122.20pp 111,630,070,840 21,069 2,458 977
7 (#25,806) fjw 99.21% 6,970.59pp 63,427,456,110 16,606 5,256 2,432
8 (#138,104) Yurukane 99.64% 4,177.60pp 19,370,115,570 15,493 442 150
9 (#54,253) Brittany Miller 99.13% 5,755.02pp 145,634,035,519 14,477 11,587 3,285
10 (#19,619) Tactic 100.00% 7,418.80pp 29,421,901,361 13,568 0 100
11 (#135,014) Psychicpsycho 99.99% 4,218.44pp 18,226,270,257 12,409 54 6
12 (#52,464) Sipsu 99.19% 5,810.86pp 60,151,661,549 12,134 2,595 2,531
13 (#132,768) hent2222 99.55% 4,249.24pp 18,413,454,904 11,991 188 22
14 (#180,221) Swakz 99.31% 3,675.42pp 14,826,772,250 11,733 449 405
15 (#8,791) Prade 99.41% 8,732.71pp 242,057,206,984 11,108 6,532 2,915
16 (#50,220) SSoleBoy 99.23% 5,883.45pp 37,415,535,159 10,661 3,180 1,140
17 (#246,350) TallTarnation 98.33% 3,094.98pp 17,925,420,038 9,375 1,240 92
18 (#5,209) Jairod 99.55% 9,646.04pp 247,906,034,533 9,095 13,890 8,281
19 (#204,156) [-Marlon-] 99.79% 3,445.16pp 18,500,349,752 8,992 1,987 181
20 (#74,094) -Teirusu- 99.71% 5,246.87pp 22,344,816,470 8,785 825 360
21 (#15,566) Madcore 99.17% 7,804.79pp 346,418,882,506 8,315 18,683 6,105
22 (#70,566) mqx 99.10% 5,325.49pp 29,970,314,356 7,799 2,112 1,347
23 (#346,991) Chriszo 99.39% 2,473.46pp 9,546,031,632 7,605 34 9
24 (#77,770) Wummer 99.24% 5,166.42pp 42,310,151,411 6,879 5,611 1,878
25 (#6,492) Danii_ 98.86% 9,262.70pp 113,555,988,014 6,199 6,760 2,754
26 (#57,276) Mijii 98.80% 5,667.25pp 25,506,874,024 5,650 1,968 997
27 (#545,414) Lavanville 99.62% 1,678.44pp 7,330,585,050 5,205 61 3
28 (#21,068) ferzis 98.70% 7,303.64pp 79,269,229,143 5,189 10,119 2,855
29 (#41,274) bVETY 98.47% 6,202.87pp 83,242,427,766 4,633 6,564 2,910
30 (#4,526) Vello 97.53% 9,881.06pp 102,922,960,866 4,540 6,980 1,393
31 (#101,550) Blooze 98.93% 4,719.62pp 80,041,053,723 4,398 18,981 12
32 (#669,700) -ExGon- 99.60% 1,353.89pp 7,555,042,969 4,067 1,828 730
33 (#402,961) Systine 99.26% 2,208.11pp 3,380,735,303 3,853 463 180
34 (#9,595) Bidoof 99.39% 8,594.04pp 241,175,094,967 3,739 11,519 2,070
35 (#119,674) Y9shi 99.59% 4,436.83pp 10,202,891,716 3,625 900 538
36 (#331,404) unholyghsttyper 99.84% 2,554.43pp 2,384,109,914 3,612 221 269
37 (#14,981) yoshibox 99.25% 7,868.26pp 57,218,640,999 3,348 1,276 1,488
38 (#198,556) Hikona 98.34% 3,497.85pp 5,267,386,701 3,199 585 437
39 (#118,712) Dusalty 98.74% 4,450.88pp 106,430,965,683 3,182 10,542 6,921
40 (#495,290) Tenshichan 97.68% 1,843.91pp 6,487,784,928 3,072 896 237
41 (#43,089) Skw 99.22% 6,134.57pp 9,849,005,921 2,801 535 358
42 (#152,973) TheLordKiwi 99.33% 3,985.04pp 12,468,743,046 2,729 789 542
43 (#3,762) Storm_AT 99.06% 10,201.60pp 91,547,600,095 2,301 5,142 1,634
44 (#83,293) Physo 99.05% 5,050.70pp 25,414,174,023 2,286 2,644 2,107
45 (#496,877) WhyHaveITried 98.31% 1,838.28pp 6,515,411,327 2,105 2,435 200
46 (#31,107) Praw 99.44% 6,668.11pp 85,651,253,339 2,076 5,503 4,177
47 (#20,784) BlauerTraktor 99.19% 7,324.51pp 34,653,117,104 2,062 6,501 1,896
48 (#36,771) Mindwaves 98.99% 6,392.67pp 159,436,009,169 2,006 10,146 5,540
49 (#247,066) CrayZeei 99.59% 3,089.08pp 3,195,287,610 1,807 369 345
50 (#9,948) Euphi 99.41% 8,541.45pp 40,839,579,025 1,756 918 485
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