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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#699) AdonisXVIII 99.14% 13,178.50pp 67,140,648,897 81 1,356 1,946
2 (#895) Meniwa 98.63% 12,690.20pp 84,278,643,988 10 701 2,080
3 (#6,194) RussianVaxei 98.24% 9,311.88pp 13,850,164,498 10 247 689
4 (#13,703) Fenikzz 98.97% 7,995.40pp 69,200,719,861 220 3,131 563
5 (#20,797) ferzis 98.70% 7,303.60pp 75,745,583,036 4,670 8,453 2,791
6 (#23,114) NESQIK 98.73% 7,131.06pp 29,146,068,152 90 981 1,543
7 (#33,706) SnowE 99.03% 6,515.58pp 19,853,421,120 95 1,322 867
8 (#36,861) RobexTheBest 98.53% 6,368.81pp 11,304,729,474 32 644 698
9 (#44,115) drozdovianempe 98.46% 6,078.43pp 31,643,864,656 100 1,155 1,878
10 (#56,803) Qwertyner 99.26% 5,662.57pp 9,953,278,950 114 686 693
11 (#85,812) vitya490 97.25% 4,983.84pp 9,556,559,136 61 496 700
12 (#141,511) Tallant 98.80% 4,114.37pp 8,513,709,025 156 995 1,166
13 (#331,473) Snuper 90.40% 2,538.45pp 2,012,770,826 21 130 171
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