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French SS Mania club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#49,421) Sevelik 99.16% 5,978.50pp 100,810,215,656 32,012 3,980 1,723
2 (#513,663) Lavanville 99.63% 1,682.15pp 7,397,288,748 5,240 61 3
3 (#191,261) Hikona 98.36% 3,491.39pp 5,270,526,559 3,201 585 437
4 (#95,306) Axiaan 98.85% 4,825.29pp 6,506,695,471 1,000 320 352
5 (#28,693) Eloi2525 96.49% 6,918.53pp 7,754,612,945 490 825 415
6 (#513,427) Adri 97.23% 1,682.97pp 852,745,972 190 202 258
7 (#386,306) [Goukisan] 96.69% 2,187.58pp 5,381,012,058 184 761 656
8 (#516,506) Mineb_ 97.66% 1,670.86pp 976,124,775 159 200 118
9 (#492,085) Keik_o 97.66% 1,756.23pp 818,799,996 80 327 194
10 (#860,008) [HD]Voxav 98.65% 835.35pp 111,403,512 44 55 79
11 (#142,097) PatouZ 96.57% 1,517.13pp 529,924,162 25 176 59
12 (#219,896) Jukaro 96.33% 3,223.25pp 6,125,505,430 23 636 872
13 (#368,316) MiPS486 92.27% 2,273.33pp 1,261,658,820 7 151 176
14 (#1,424,311) Paturages 91.16% 94.83pp 9,132,735 0 4 6
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