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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#11) NyanPotato 97.01% 20,489.80pp 15,408,798,464 15 469 662
2 (#15) aetrna 97.95% 20,147.30pp 21,048,599,708 141 649 1,154
3 (#19) shimon 98.65% 19,968.50pp 35,422,493,765 104 1,076 2,047
4 (#24) Utami 98.12% 19,742.70pp 52,462,439,468 168 1,011 845
5 (#27) Mathi 99.13% 19,463.80pp 179,726,286,510 171 2,819 2,094
6 (#30) rayuii 98.84% 19,114.30pp 142,348,107,962 291 3,935 2,307
7 (#31) Aricin 98.82% 19,085.50pp 82,285,448,917 90 1,701 2,202
8 (#35) [MG]Arnold24x24 98.82% 18,793.40pp 78,779,095,330 830 2,367 1,316
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