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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,688) [ Senji ] 98.76% 10,728.90pp 55,136,262,731 59 844 1,130
2 (#2,874) gissirianko 98.74% 10,615.10pp 33,772,204,622 175 1,606 1,751
3 (#3,149) gasanww 99.54% 10,462.20pp 138,073,575,835 2,920 5,639 1,029
4 (#34,307) Genki1000 99.48% 6,490.18pp 121,920,720,584 20,534 773 1,840
5 (#44,507) Sleepteiner 99.58% 6,066.72pp 283,992,085,334 65,760 704 2,666
6 (#91,646) Evgas 100.00% 4,880.03pp 29,472,754,203 19,994 10 0
7 (#107,535) Alduric 99.10% 4,609.57pp 99,607,122,837 34,417 1,743 509
8 (#131,773) Serizawa Haruki 99.99% 4,250.05pp 26,545,226,325 10,409 1,885 709
9 (#159,167) Albian 98.71% 3,893.96pp 63,708,634,628 6,177 16,845 6,519
10 (#216,517) Vernien 100.00% 3,324.03pp 20,271,455,848 13,329 4 1
11 (#281,749) Haniraff 98.95% 2,833.36pp 17,499,999,949 5,718 2,195 175
12 (#337,735) AnimeAlex321 100.00% 2,507.63pp 15,421,878,790 7,987 0 0
13 (#408,498) Chiochip 98.65% 2,169.83pp 30,192,076,938 4,795 3,937 3,938
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