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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#259) Camberos 99.09% 15,678.90pp 80,008,538,311 312 2,370 1,995
2 (#432) Alfrah 99.35% 14,590.20pp 70,408,085,276 277 1,888 2,628
3 (#6,760) Siros 98.31% 9,471.47pp 16,486,737,163 17 486 1,412
4 (#7,595) Trint 99.39% 9,245.50pp 15,925,590,831 236 1,336 255
5 (#11,383) iIadrianIi 99.20% 8,538.57pp 18,989,325,402 106 470 1,565
6 (#24,599) Solo 98.45% 7,191.11pp 31,504,344,623 154 2,485 2,086
7 (#35,401) Rezlyy 99.03% 6,565.88pp 8,840,389,616 22 382 420
8 (#46,727) Iojioji 98.56% 6,088.37pp 24,867,988,057 20 891 2,107
9 (#110,656) J0s4nTma5 98.54% 4,562.62pp 15,195,578,174 218 1,214 1,647
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