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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,273) Jalepers 98.30% 12,570.90pp 25,578,253,965 15 404 1,723
2 (#2,932) EfrainGMiD2 97.99% 10,996.00pp 41,805,698,870 186 1,281 2,700
3 (#8,792) Reimu- 98.88% 8,986.93pp 149,527,941,920 282 3,411 7,079
4 (#12,112) -lokillo- 99.39% 8,434.52pp 25,249,682,369 128 818 1,558
5 (#12,118) Azuren 99.25% 8,432.72pp 43,254,285,104 170 1,598 1,508
6 (#16,477) Zaphkiel1 98.31% 7,886.38pp 7,861,216,773 21 428 642
7 (#57,150) -Paleta- 97.95% 5,732.71pp 3,858,848,336 9 176 611
8 (#135,934) Ferpoleon 99.10% 4,169.54pp 10,973,196,657 494 1,082 1,981
9 (#342,217) KendoMidoriya 90.81% 2,428.00pp 1,981,976,703 6 56 341
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