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Ciudad de Mexico

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#140) Riot 98.14% 16,938.10pp 65,493,387,020 160 1,704 2,765
2 (#1,322) Nadir 98.81% 12,502.50pp 18,177,632,019 60 568 1,430
3 (#2,146) KevstracK 98.13% 11,562.90pp 52,154,447,088 88 1,329 2,425
4 (#2,868) Muzkat 98.74% 11,043.30pp 14,026,841,545 70 780 1,340
5 (#4,492) Flameshock 99.46% 10,211.70pp 119,850,251,718 1,115 4,014 2,107
6 (#21,616) -Euphxrya 95.85% 7,408.61pp 8,076,936,154 39 241 703
7 (#22,004) Baba Ganoush 97.55% 7,376.94pp 21,524,998,926 38 534 2,166
8 (#25,471) ImNoob 99.32% 7,131.23pp 17,633,709,788 188 893 1,609
9 (#28,685) Drenzer 98.79% 6,931.71pp 24,072,569,953 118 1,254 1,344
10 (#34,903) ChilaKiller 100.00% 6,590.83pp 10,158,140,216 3,115 21 4
11 (#47,958) ZaveryK 99.07% 6,043.86pp 10,104,175,358 59 702 1,013
12 (#75,271) Noobscoper 98.20% 5,258.33pp 5,129,999,161 19 246 796
13 (#107,965) F_X 97.78% 4,610.69pp 8,556,845,461 7 345 1,040
14 (#207,993) GGizy 97.96% 3,350.01pp 6,745,670,350 15 587 811
15 (#357,449) latinoscar 95.28% 2,349.21pp 2,147,117,434 74 281 493
16 (#599,026) Mosheroski 88.98% 1,439.77pp 934,283,306 1 45 124
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