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Baja California

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#40,042) -Karu 97.05% 4,048.70pp 836,454,590 0 132 30
2 (#81,409) chiliawa52 94.99% 2,542.86pp 689,589,327 0 335 370
3 (#167,350) _vanity 94.33% 1,240.88pp 249,880,938 0 154 95
4 (#171,328) chac2911 95.10% 1,203.41pp 799,030,488 0 504 303
5 (#200,647) Yangeru 92.37% 966.16pp 110,983,596 0 24 59
6 (#296,146) SuperPoxie 92.38% 463.93pp 59,207,040 0 15 31
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