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PatouZ Amis

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#723) Elementaires 96.80% 12,729.40pp 4,317,317,952 2 4,300 224
2 (#804) quentin5110054 97.81% 12,490.90pp 4,164,513,873 17 3,942 312
3 (#1,519) SitekX 96.30% 11,116.70pp 3,339,638,437 14 3,063 350
4 (#1,721) Tupidix 97.62% 10,854.30pp 1,502,973,335 2 1,425 165
5 (#2,017) Auraah 97.35% 10,563.80pp 1,883,257,538 1 1,672 336
6 (#3,257) Azubeur 97.05% 9,610.66pp 1,773,840,387 3 1,723 98
7 (#3,351) DragonSonic 96.85% 9,560.90pp 2,338,468,022 5 1,956 520
8 (#4,018) PatouZ 97.71% 9,181.14pp 1,946,406,445 131 1,824 37
9 (#4,337) Haprapra 96.69% 9,035.76pp 1,327,219,653 0 1,265 289
10 (#4,700) Adri 97.14% 8,853.03pp 16,330,423,901 539 15,589 424
11 (#4,783) [ Odin ] 97.13% 8,816.33pp 2,311,164,647 7 2,156 236
12 (#6,870) Satsukel 97.52% 8,033.64pp 1,644,379,881 1 1,597 128
13 (#6,937) KH_Supernova 96.86% 8,015.17pp 4,181,159,829 66 4,433 49
14 (#7,199) Exilfaker 95.39% 7,933.71pp 2,162,831,262 1 1,293 981
15 (#8,142) Arkitev 96.72% 7,670.42pp 2,500,197,619 4 2,161 360
16 (#8,916) ZayyKen 96.61% 7,469.44pp 4,625,928,244 1,023 3,401 259
17 (#9,048) Ssauw 96.07% 7,434.53pp 1,834,987,267 0 1,687 252
18 (#9,100) White Fox 96.46% 7,420.65pp 1,669,263,175 0 1,264 394
19 (#9,248) xppenMatism 96.28% 7,385.71pp 823,165,604 0 545 364
20 (#9,665) Koiidex 96.58% 7,282.71pp 1,289,722,174 1 1,168 177
21 (#15,014) Neyra 95.24% 6,184.38pp 787,489,827 0 497 322
22 (#15,441) exomanXX 94.70% 6,116.71pp 1,232,680,980 0 1,005 287
23 (#15,455) Riyumi 95.66% 6,114.20pp 1,850,786,083 2 1,280 630
24 (#19,818) KenshiroEditz 94.44% 5,542.05pp 1,584,214,595 1 1,333 295
25 (#73,648) Seguri 94.53% 2,750.57pp 396,289,993 0 222 205
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