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PatouZ Amis

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#6,898) Seguri 98.55% 9,434.12pp 45,155,610,871 126 1,393 4,306
2 (#36,131) Ssauw 98.65% 6,528.44pp 38,045,819,396 32 1,244 2,050
3 (#38,004) White Fox 98.79% 6,443.83pp 12,517,205,129 14 348 1,358
4 (#49,397) Koiidex 99.67% 5,993.16pp 9,226,507,862 113 429 500
5 (#81,046) Auraah 98.61% 5,127.32pp 5,807,795,553 43 346 682
6 (#87,747) Neyra 98.75% 4,988.47pp 4,091,680,910 23 255 740
7 (#104,518) xppenMatism 98.48% 4,670.78pp 2,563,437,114 12 155 639
8 (#180,533) Arkitev 97.46% 3,619.20pp 4,683,914,910 25 323 740
9 (#441,573) Riyumi 94.07% 1,971.67pp 772,130,829 7 54 170
10 (#520,219) Adri 97.23% 1,682.97pp 852,745,972 190 202 258
11 (#142,097) PatouZ 96.57% 1,517.13pp 529,924,162 25 176 59
12 (#872,329) exomanXX 88.96% 838.45pp 136,670,413 2 11 64
13 (#1,417,015) Tupidix 90.19% 267.89pp 23,462,532 0 6 26
14 (#1,555,043) KenshiroEditz 91.64% 190.98pp 16,104,348 2 13 18
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