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PatouZ Amis

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Koiidex 97.99% 18,121.11pp 10,674,636,209 125 1,704 790
2 Auraah 97.98% 15,691.12pp 7,691,053,091 44 2,018 1,018
3 Ssauw 97.36% 13,962.97pp 39,880,806,663 32 2,931 2,302
4 White Fox 97.63% 13,864.48pp 14,186,468,304 14 1,612 1,752
5 PatouZ 97.67% 12,898.35pp 2,824,057,139 189 2,170 136
6 Kasumi-sama 99.86% 12,810.90pp 37,318,066,385 430 3,557 475
7 Elementaires 96.80% 12,729.40pp 4,317,317,952 2 4,300 224
8 quentin5110054 97.81% 12,490.90pp 4,164,513,873 17 3,942 312
9 Seguri 96.54% 12,184.69pp 45,551,900,864 126 1,615 4,511
10 Neyra 95.12% 12,079.72pp 4,889,717,337 23 755 1,080
11 xppenMatism 97.38% 12,056.49pp 3,386,602,718 12 700 1,003
12 Arkitev 97.09% 11,289.62pp 7,184,112,529 29 2,484 1,100
13 Tupidix 93.90% 11,122.19pp 1,526,435,867 2 1,431 191
14 SitekX 96.30% 11,116.70pp 3,339,638,437 14 3,063 350
15 Adri 97.19% 10,536.00pp 17,183,169,873 729 15,791 682
16 Azubeur 97.05% 9,610.66pp 1,773,840,387 3 1,723 98
17 DragonSonic 96.85% 9,560.90pp 2,338,468,022 5 1,956 520
18 Haprapra 96.69% 9,035.76pp 1,327,219,653 0 1,265 289
19 [ Odin ] 97.13% 8,816.33pp 2,311,164,647 7 2,156 236
20 ZayyKen 97.17% 8,701.26pp 4,648,080,235 1,039 3,434 283
21 Riyumi 94.86% 8,085.87pp 2,622,916,912 9 1,334 800
22 Satsukel 97.52% 8,033.64pp 1,644,379,881 1 1,597 128
23 KH_Supernova 96.86% 8,015.17pp 4,181,159,829 66 4,433 49
24 Exilfaker 95.39% 7,933.71pp 2,162,831,262 1 1,293 981
25 exomanXX 93.95% 7,913.06pp 1,490,743,615 9 1,051 414
26 KenshiroEditz 93.04% 5,733.03pp 1,600,318,943 3 1,346 313
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