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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 FooTShOoT 94.66% 13,694.47pp 25,468,909,424 22 714 2,247
2 - Sushi - 95.13% 12,218.70pp 13,444,189,249 48 691 1,417
3 MwaCestRom 93.60% 11,580.43pp 68,860,316,358 34 1,334 2,814
4 -Atour- 98.66% 11,164.80pp 43,329,105,402 20 771 1,998
5 Trayyzer 95.39% 10,188.50pp 12,300,843,882 72 668 1,519
6 MwaCestTom 98.68% 9,826.64pp 140,751,520,910 1,023 6,100 5,370
7 Iofjnarbosq 94.70% 9,491.15pp 33,621,319,098 130 577 2,672
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