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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,673) -Atour- 98.66% 11,164.80pp 43,329,105,402 20 771 1,998
2 (#2,955) FooTShOoT 97.15% 10,980.80pp 25,177,380,201 19 606 2,145
3 (#6,806) MwaCestRom 98.12% 9,461.05pp 68,753,355,692 33 1,284 2,718
4 (#10,785) - Sushi - 97.05% 8,637.06pp 13,075,613,865 45 509 1,276
5 (#10,953) Iofjnarbosq 95.24% 8,611.44pp 33,348,869,233 106 434 2,580
6 (#11,496) Trayyzer 97.33% 8,525.56pp 12,161,961,781 63 581 1,461
7 (#16,089) MwaCestTom 98.45% 7,931.72pp 140,614,317,185 963 5,996 5,351
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