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European SS Ranking CTB

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#117,910) Brittany Miller 98.46% 1,819.79pp 22,841,956,184 442 23,026 144
2 (#280,041) Virgo 98.43% 529.82pp 273,336,151 275 1 2
3 (#213,760) Crafterdark 95.63% 876.79pp 468,636,936 230 200 63
4 (#265,026) Yurukane 99.04% 596.19pp 272,855,381 189 50 15
5 (#324,748) BIG H ZONDA KIT 98.11% 364.75pp 252,778,624 158 93 9
6 (#270,807) Aefkay 96.51% 570.35pp 196,680,609 140 24 26
7 (#175,001) Namazu 97.03% 1,171.42pp 300,262,694 73 200 51
8 (#216,233) Tactic 99.63% 861.07pp 1,000,357,917 67 934 0
9 (#313,041) Enofix 98.15% 403.99pp 84,441,822 62 14 8
10 (#102,399) BlauerTraktor 96.92% 2,077.80pp 3,161,418,858 60 3,131 133
11 (#266,360) Sevelik 99.28% 588.43pp 4,175,873,809 58 4,096 29
12 (#309,448) Jeremiasz 99.24% 416.53pp 43,815,940 42 4 0
13 (#180,414) Viranyaa 96.66% 1,124.73pp 517,461,921 42 393 132
14 (#37,572) TallTarnation 96.79% 4,177.75pp 12,907,554,369 41 12,740 441
15 (#274,021) DROTG 95.92% 555.64pp 271,138,208 39 187 50
16 (#256,061) karagianniss 96.60% 639.02pp 107,615,196 36 62 16
17 (#283,425) Aleksart 98.42% 515.99pp 260,051,319 35 214 22
18 (#44,962) Haadez 96.10% 3,799.12pp 1,913,964,236 33 1,621 351
19 (#31,667) Cloudical 95.59% 4,528.79pp 910,751,385 33 632 337
20 (#262,255) ERROR CODE 0x7A 96.16% 609.36pp 187,852,289 30 110 29
21 (#162,633) Tuti- 96.28% 1,288.07pp 690,617,865 25 470 260
22 (#30,965) Michal240 94.49% 4,574.84pp 3,664,593,664 25 2,892 1,005
23 (#108,517) The Last 94.03% 1,970.11pp 394,019,994 21 183 173
24 (#186,020) SHPORET 95.75% 1,077.86pp 308,073,709 21 219 65
25 (#188,382) - [Flan-chan] - 94.65% 1,057.12pp 711,977,001 17 169 40
26 (#232,393) Kitsuka 99.64% 764.04pp 2,752,680,779 14 2,834 0
27 (#174,079) Mniam 94.43% 1,179.66pp 167,449,352 14 84 52
28 (#234,665) KitsunIvy 97.59% 751.59pp 124,578,671 14 88 25
29 (#93,322) unholyghsttyper 97.48% 2,259.20pp 3,326,071,670 14 3,221 165
30 (#10,909) Eloi2525 95.77% 6,984.16pp 3,501,047,036 13 3,493 172
31 (#376,029) Alex22Shugaly 94.72% 225.82pp 51,071,865 12 22 14
32 (#227,810) Chriszo 99.67% 790.99pp 1,334,224,608 11 1,327 1
33 (#131,881) Shameimaru 95.83% 1,628.34pp 212,342,044 10 152 57
34 (#29,015) sSolle 97.12% 4,713.64pp 185,710,247 9 169 25
35 (#139,006) Sternenstab 97.19% 310.71pp 61,716,678 9 39 16
36 (#22,013) Axiaan 98.00% 5,318.83pp 2,886,618,840 9 2,789 216
37 (#245,842) Wummer 97.59% 688.98pp 451,231,514 8 452 15
38 (#175,152) Eyminz 96.05% 1,170.13pp 107,804,280 8 87 26
39 (#26,947) Hikona 95.61% 4,870.29pp 4,346,082,562 8 4,327 185
40 (#118,876) CrayZeei 96.24% 1,804.88pp 2,033,145,382 7 2,000 53
41 (#357,044) SHMELEBELEK 95.31% 271.28pp 69,925,319 6 36 28
42 (#187,850) Conor 99.63% 1,063.39pp 925,400,369 5 920 0
43 (#351,268) AWAWAWAWAWAWA 98.69% 308.60pp 32,281,311 4 29 0
44 (#10,466) Araxcrow 96.37% 7,096.67pp 17,285,332,710 4 14,299 3,134
45 (#185,925) Emica 97.35% 677.76pp 217,181,704 4 171 37
46 (#234,966) -ExGon- 99.70% 749.92pp 1,707,757,533 3 1,748 1
47 (#195,014) SSoleBoy 96.74% 1,009.22pp 1,430,415,248 3 1,418 46
48 (#103,849) Makou 97.83% 2,051.93pp 1,579,963,905 3 1,433 519
49 (#224,299) YumeK 95.81% 811.30pp 226,079,421 2 148 75
50 (#45,444) Paku- 96.04% 3,775.18pp 803,077,569 2 640 179
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