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European SS Ranking CTB

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,059) Conor 99.96% 10,370.80pp 33,098,029,929 70,013 979 0
2 (#3,653) Elisie 99.53% 6,237.45pp 9,215,444,630 21,176 859 48
3 (#951) CrayZeei 97.33% 10,638.30pp 3,972,422,368 10,744 902 652
4 (#14,269) TallTarnation 99.82% 2,464.71pp 1,729,632,870 10,115 97 2
5 (#381) Vasko2o 99.68% 12,895.10pp 3,391,433,326 6,463 406 547
6 (#20,621) Sevelik 100.00% 1,705.15pp 1,116,693,435 6,305 0 8
7 (#11,595) Lavanville 99.93% 2,958.70pp 2,092,616,251 5,690 575 0
8 (#659) Eloi2525 98.08% 11,577.10pp 1,764,492,119 3,961 733 467
9 (#14,890) -ExGon- 99.66% 2,373.83pp 533,556,304 2,776 24 13
10 (#6,792) Systine 98.94% 4,384.01pp 583,239,746 2,544 225 138
11 (#12,654) Brittany Miller 100.00% 2,740.10pp 408,551,412 2,155 0 0
12 (#8,401) NinjaCoktail 99.97% 3,798.65pp 825,911,012 2,148 30 27
13 (#1,195) Araxcrow 97.52% 9,995.66pp 18,671,839,345 2,105 14,753 8,129
14 (#12,441) SSoleBoy 99.98% 2,786.00pp 274,760,665 1,784 134 29
15 (#17,232) Chriszo 99.78% 2,052.38pp 237,033,684 1,612 10 14
16 (#4,020) Vello 97.74% 5,952.46pp 1,405,473,926 1,211 1,191 875
17 (#2,053) Haadez 97.54% 8,107.64pp 915,182,176 1,182 449 690
18 (#13,676) Tactic 98.63% 2,567.25pp 86,104,796 1,155 0 1
19 (#9,681) ChibiValy 98.46% 3,406.61pp 2,184,511,596 735 4,650 821
20 (#19,335) Wummer 98.71% 1,823.91pp 76,677,865 717 178 1
21 (#634) Caelan 99.64% 11,658.50pp 6,552,423,351 702 1,987 2,937
22 (#18,574) unholyghsttyper 99.48% 1,902.85pp 79,239,315 689 50 98
23 (#14,148) Crafterdark 99.58% 2,484.81pp 183,036,668 682 203 179
24 (#10,420) Jeremiasz 99.99% 3,218.20pp 157,827,060 617 22 2
25 (#7,582) Mile 96.48% 4,072.73pp 474,083,573 577 281 448
26 (#20,017) Virgo 99.68% 1,760.36pp 65,513,937 519 39 4
27 (#11,773) Axiaan 98.68% 2,926.43pp 114,803,596 429 182 57
28 (#16,787) Yurukane 99.86% 2,105.47pp 50,459,610 426 109 10
29 (#11,387) Madcore 98.56% 3,002.73pp 373,176,396 308 427 341
30 (#14,005) Namazu 98.96% 2,510.20pp 128,341,055 306 228 119
31 (#14,571) BIG H ZONDA KIT 98.45% 2,421.13pp 177,457,500 277 356 207
32 (#16,851) BlauerTraktor 99.77% 2,099.33pp 95,355,813 276 782 49
33 (#11,379) SHPORET 98.41% 3,004.03pp 209,019,869 269 269 159
34 (#16,324) Dask 97.95% 2,161.32pp 249,986,444 250 513 97
35 (#21,412) Euphi 99.94% 1,643.57pp 35,059,675 192 10 3
36 (#20,020) Mijii 99.48% 1,757.91pp 40,292,873 177 101 62
37 (#12,842) bVETY 98.59% 2,708.72pp 115,571,369 169 182 171
38 (#7,038) A c o l 96.16% 4,271.26pp 286,624,945 150 254 220
39 (#14,160) karagianniss 98.91% 2,482.79pp 82,711,309 144 140 32
40 (#18,053) Enofix 98.71% 1,960.50pp 24,587,193 137 80 8
41 (#7,716) Adisi 98.62% 4,023.74pp 434,753,615 130 579 603
42 (#13,129) beem2137 99.32% 2,337.14pp 65,710,600 130 205 11
43 (#23,194) optm 98.54% 1,512.88pp 81,506,714 130 306 40
44 (#26,110) ERROR CODE 0x7A 98.40% 1,329.92pp 23,954,498 128 48 8
45 (#2,025) 1794766 98.25% 8,152.63pp 2,232,775,197 125 1,373 962
46 (#16,859) DarkDriver 97.40% 2,098.59pp 554,928,359 125 1,162 219
47 (#8,149) Daletto 99.52% 3,873.96pp 325,160,694 122 541 29
48 (#16,766) Sowisty 99.00% 2,107.98pp 22,857,807 119 99 4
49 (#24,962) 13187berlin 100.00% 1,397.19pp 8,362,611 114 0 0
50 (#24,303) Romania 98.97% 1,438.95pp 77,709,513 101 364 228
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