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European SS Ranking CTB

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#5,905) Virgo 98.92% 9,721.86pp 281,319,371,550 58,709 608 7,606
2 (#12,849) seven39 99.84% 8,332.44pp 460,027,768,176 52,130 19,302 23,703
3 (#35,360) Namazu 99.33% 6,570.54pp 126,726,530,803 38,600 2,959 2,305
4 (#49,827) Sevelik 99.16% 5,978.59pp 101,491,035,203 32,098 3,799 2,300
5 (#369) Haadez 98.41% 14,961.30pp 164,732,852,278 23,789 3,048 5,761
6 (#1,189) Sowisty 99.05% 12,721.80pp 123,484,670,153 21,095 2,571 1,199
7 (#132,017) Yurukane 99.61% 4,229.84pp 23,268,794,219 17,595 398 197
8 (#192,870) TallTarnation 98.01% 3,495.25pp 32,171,639,973 15,200 2,300 232
9 (#52,726) Brittany Miller 98.97% 5,876.31pp 157,990,769,263 14,954 12,523 4,275
10 (#32,577) SSoleBoy 99.49% 6,710.36pp 45,080,801,233 14,539 3,030 1,460
11 (#19,867) Tactic 99.99% 7,558.08pp 30,315,194,115 13,676 100 145
12 (#53,278) Sipsu 99.13% 5,856.82pp 62,368,099,241 12,795 2,515 3,135
13 (#131,178) hent2222 99.54% 4,240.79pp 18,413,644,352 11,992 187 179
14 (#10,612) Prade 99.43% 8,668.96pp 251,849,539,119 11,857 7,034 3,344
15 (#193,926) [-Marlon-] 99.80% 3,484.85pp 20,015,847,317 10,030 1,991 231
16 (#6,245) Jairod 99.52% 9,615.88pp 261,080,679,481 9,957 15,653 10,805
17 (#76,619) -Teirusu- 99.69% 5,228.06pp 22,370,446,551 8,776 793 507
18 (#17,050) Madcore 99.07% 7,826.34pp 354,162,907,496 8,364 18,686 7,307
19 (#67,707) mqx 99.20% 5,441.96pp 33,638,026,398 8,196 2,265 1,792
20 (#334,428) Chriszo 99.39% 2,470.96pp 9,643,708,653 7,701 31 42
21 (#7,325) Danii_ 98.89% 9,317.58pp 121,969,697,645 7,563 7,287 3,603
22 (#81,062) Wummer 99.28% 5,127.68pp 42,983,448,514 7,199 5,620 2,148
23 (#40,473) Mijii 98.35% 6,338.60pp 36,809,966,911 6,163 2,181 1,530
24 (#21,190) ferzis 98.65% 7,443.47pp 94,821,105,891 6,019 11,624 4,088
25 (#520,952) Lavanville 99.63% 1,682.15pp 7,397,288,748 5,240 60 4
26 (#43,211) bVETY 98.26% 6,222.77pp 85,878,043,162 5,010 6,689 3,581
27 (#5,474) Vello 96.84% 9,860.34pp 112,227,000,651 4,669 7,223 2,040
28 (#624,316) -ExGon- 99.26% 1,370.45pp 7,600,485,519 4,127 1,751 992
29 (#382,064) Systine 99.05% 2,229.60pp 3,386,687,756 3,859 468 177
30 (#11,775) Bidoof 99.37% 8,482.64pp 242,362,541,834 3,770 11,296 2,466
31 (#115,125) Y9shi 99.54% 4,488.72pp 10,236,088,311 3,630 859 729
32 (#323,326) unholyghsttyper 99.85% 2,531.30pp 2,388,921,021 3,614 232 319
33 (#16,296) yoshibox 99.30% 7,908.10pp 61,174,235,725 3,392 1,287 1,686
34 (#193,303) Hikona 98.36% 3,491.39pp 5,270,526,559 3,202 533 606
35 (#119,527) Dusalty 98.68% 4,419.37pp 106,701,316,923 3,192 10,074 8,988
36 (#462,731) Tenshichan 97.36% 1,890.02pp 6,526,797,108 3,107 857 327
37 (#86,060) Aefkay 99.01% 5,023.01pp 26,137,322,010 3,036 2,557 2,640
38 (#149,052) TheLordKiwi 99.31% 3,991.82pp 12,737,872,489 2,731 808 663
39 (#18,791) BlauerTraktor 98.90% 7,656.90pp 47,003,645,237 2,667 7,728 3,118
40 (#4,525) Storm_AT 98.98% 10,199.30pp 93,212,560,041 2,312 5,191 1,699
41 (#95,149) SHPORET 98.83% 4,845.97pp 20,648,171,827 2,312 2,979 1,846
42 (#30,119) Mindwaves 98.83% 6,847.92pp 177,166,405,673 2,262 10,655 7,450
43 (#33,433) Praw 99.46% 6,666.78pp 89,446,164,100 2,140 5,632 5,110
44 (#212,520) CrayZeei 99.40% 3,308.29pp 3,786,979,575 2,125 389 426
45 (#177,480) Enofix 98.74% 3,653.78pp 3,437,733,588 1,983 611 110
46 (#39,705) halal miko 98.25% 6,370.47pp 21,213,555,253 1,954 1,166 3,308
47 (#11,788) Euphi 99.39% 8,481.48pp 45,203,065,505 1,863 1,069 397
48 (#35,580) gakorr 99.89% 6,559.82pp 67,840,565,869 1,743 3,643 328
49 (#115,689) Crafterdark 98.83% 4,480.33pp 9,155,921,693 1,704 943 1,526
50 (#105,224) Jeremiasz 100.00% 4,659.58pp 5,681,141,233 1,682 182 27
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