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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,590) shinitaichan 97.58% 7,321.08pp 20,185,799,982 1,872 14,764 14,023
2 (#2,993) Playboi Carti 94.84% 6,866.13pp 184,700,574 1 61 149
3 (#3,328) Verald 97.07% 6,530.48pp 514,492,694 8 168 393
4 (#4,561) Flexo123 95.46% 5,554.94pp 405,639,940 6 162 248
5 (#4,782) ElectroYan 98.13% 5,404.88pp 943,338,214 46 252 845
6 (#5,908) nadavv 97.89% 4,784.16pp 549,097,225 269 1,063 116
7 (#11,932) Vygatron 97.57% 2,889.17pp 221,707,244 3 79 424
8 (#12,238) yahweh 97.86% 2,824.37pp 85,804,132 1 81 127
9 (#31,839) ReTLoM 89.12% 1,062.49pp 19,152,898 0 2 32
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