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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Playboi Carti 96.58% 26,988.99pp 11,444,712,638 31 1,728 1,328
2 Alter- 97.68% 26,134.73pp 11,717,901,902 76 2,851 1,467
3 shinitaichan 97.44% 26,130.37pp 376,870,324,063 14,587 79,802 29,088
4 ElectroYan 97.53% 23,165.43pp 37,500,414,257 370 11,618 3,633
5 Flexo123 97.28% 22,893.96pp 7,646,715,344 484 2,830 997
6 Verald 97.67% 20,718.31pp 7,513,687,718 55 2,694 1,484
7 nadavv 97.04% 19,638.76pp 8,885,092,024 270 9,393 482
8 Vygatron 97.14% 18,111.92pp 4,810,229,376 13 2,563 1,354
9 yahweh 97.22% 17,040.07pp 3,169,303,359 2 2,905 567
10 Sadcat 96.27% 15,962.70pp 1,486,533,603 0 1,211 377
11 Freek 96.10% 15,040.13pp 8,324,901,713 39 5,175 1,153
12 -Melon 96.22% 14,592.50pp 1,817,262,139 2 1,665 325
13 CharlisMadCut 97.47% 11,440.93pp 7,768,106,501 10 2,330 1,459
14 Percyqaz 95.74% 11,035.70pp 1,714,042,040 0 1,725 154
15 lunaboom 97.79% 11,015.03pp 9,339,151,111 60 994 1,454
16 Optane 94.74% 10,830.20pp 1,770,971,710 0 949 683
17 Ery 97.29% 10,672.10pp 6,321,808,344 42 5,857 684
18 Adri 97.19% 10,536.00pp 17,183,169,873 729 15,791 682
19 kasumi99 94.71% 9,134.96pp 941,494,420 0 757 291
20 Daleenie 95.75% 9,052.32pp 1,418,789,590 0 1,207 269
21 Exilfaker 95.39% 7,933.71pp 2,162,831,262 1 1,293 981
22 raman_s 94.91% 7,894.50pp 1,545,153,595 0 573 594
23 Teggom 95.86% 7,833.95pp 1,438,007,355 0 1,215 312
24 ReTLoM 92.13% 7,043.49pp 2,870,149,855 0 2,271 563
25 Yukina- 96.93% 7,018.89pp 653,327,821 0 687 28
26 civ77 92.83% 3,382.33pp 1,333,676,734 0 488 680
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