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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 AdonisXVIII 97.99% 15,545.19pp 69,174,949,731 86 1,673 2,054
2 ferzis 97.71% 15,065.00pp 102,641,751,813 13,412 18,764 3,162
3 Meniwa 95.97% 13,310.90pp 88,058,955,453 10 741 2,211
4 Qwertyner 97.28% 10,464.94pp 14,154,057,314 1,720 1,962 890
5 Fenikzz 95.35% 9,746.67pp 69,484,246,425 235 3,310 575
6 RobexTheBest 94.87% 9,743.41pp 12,620,690,239 474 1,136 766
7 RussianVaxei 96.65% 9,401.64pp 14,327,115,009 10 253 728
8 vitya490 97.01% 8,852.63pp 10,985,863,655 87 743 779
9 SnowE 82.78% 7,614.62pp 20,857,871,637 99 1,375 904
10 NESQIK 98.73% 7,131.07pp 29,690,616,898 92 1,001 1,555
11 drozdovianempe 98.46% 6,078.43pp 31,723,271,250 100 1,154 1,880
12 Tallant 98.80% 4,114.37pp 8,513,709,025 156 995 1,165
13 Snuper 90.40% 2,571.31pp 2,120,302,099 21 133 179
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