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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 ferzis 97.77% 15,016.48pp 108,718,947,456 9,370 23,350 4,516
2 AdonisXVIII 97.94% 14,555.36pp 69,000,595,852 81 1,557 2,356
3 Meniwa 98.74% 12,906.50pp 89,377,157,755 9 723 2,455
4 Qwertyner 97.14% 10,888.31pp 14,345,181,854 1,712 2,038 1,224
5 RussianVaxei 98.02% 10,348.60pp 14,314,972,760 10 246 830
6 vitya490 96.88% 9,266.48pp 11,000,307,351 81 685 1,115
7 Fenikzz 98.92% 8,016.86pp 69,421,381,186 221 3,020 835
8 SnowE 97.25% 7,891.77pp 22,267,181,152 107 1,263 1,307
9 NESQIK 98.72% 7,428.29pp 29,697,481,773 92 952 1,950
10 drozdovianempe 98.51% 6,029.13pp 31,723,271,250 100 1,068 2,417
11 Snuper 83.09% 3,450.73pp 2,190,472,151 24 114 252
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