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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Axiaan 98.69% 17,567.78pp 257,058,417,911 53,441 3,275 705
2 Sevelik 99.53% 9,815.67pp 118,225,079,854 46,214 7,912 2,340
3 Namazu 98.27% 12,382.77pp 127,998,716,414 40,646 3,665 2,526
4 Kitsuka 99.82% 10,176.44pp 184,381,404,617 26,399 2,835 0
5 Ganondorf 97.88% 12,848.82pp 299,265,380,384 23,270 41,823 23,720
6 Lavanville 99.75% 9,714.46pp 87,191,868,468 21,591 3,417 4
7 Hikona 97.26% 11,989.84pp 32,798,440,780 14,212 5,224 933
8 WitherFlower 98.24% 9,776.96pp 202,309,749,296 12,095 25,014 8,615
9 Ykoris 99.44% 10,670.34pp 21,930,573,218 11,413 2,295 2,682
10 MystExiStentia 99.28% 7,494.67pp 44,033,711,594 11,239 100 1,600
11 sanghaaaa 97.35% 11,227.35pp 40,919,942,825 10,942 6,028 3,956
12 Amnezzia 96.96% 8,803.76pp 19,593,652,054 9,686 622 445
13 Bidoof 97.43% 15,550.79pp 254,930,579,868 5,187 13,162 2,589
14 Airwam 99.22% 5,890.69pp 58,893,170,175 4,966 4,862 2,528
15 yoshibox 99.65% 9,564.87pp 65,900,000,744 4,892 1,287 1,685
16 Mizuhika 99.03% 6,974.84pp 616,369,133,331 4,835 51,445 16,283
17 Qumania 99.79% 9,152.36pp 41,845,008,449 4,455 459 1,050
18 byo 96.91% 12,317.88pp 85,024,156,005 4,319 9,355 6,858
19 Fuki 96.08% 10,138.66pp 148,215,691,572 3,968 8,092 979
20 Arakii 98.53% 16,290.25pp 739,946,348,146 3,876 16,537 9,972
21 Mindwaves 96.80% 16,259.18pp 199,023,490,901 3,241 14,448 9,793
22 TheLordKiwi 89.41% 4,591.64pp 12,767,900,824 2,732 818 679
23 SpitsLife 99.05% 9,895.78pp 69,823,789,752 2,730 4,076 3,896
24 Kanoob 97.02% 17,271.35pp 167,377,505,058 2,669 13,702 7,536
25 MoTL 97.31% 14,490.18pp 42,027,400,863 2,399 3,114 2,083
26 Columbina 97.31% 15,234.24pp 188,626,920,499 2,227 8,916 4,188
27 Egida 98.77% 7,123.01pp 76,445,873,561 2,049 2,457 2,257
28 FloconDeNeige 94.77% 7,180.61pp 75,280,280,607 1,805 6,794 5,270
29 pomroz 97.38% 11,182.12pp 37,365,403,628 1,657 2,722 2,054
30 akwari 99.29% 6,455.42pp 39,175,689,192 1,634 2,082 2,603
31 Drakkles 93.94% 8,375.10pp 101,047,593,174 1,624 7,590 3,194
32 Hichinoro 96.65% 9,747.67pp 55,985,517,321 1,525 1,694 1,464
33 skrimore 98.92% 6,083.33pp 114,795,833,915 1,309 9,471 9,460
34 Skyzo 99.26% 7,582.86pp 49,395,284,373 1,189 2,869 1,719
35 Jethh 51.63% 0.00pp 2,498,969 0 4 1
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