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French SS Osu club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#266,360) Sevelik 99.28% 588.43pp 4,175,873,809 58 4,096 29
2 (#232,105) Kitsuka 99.64% 764.04pp 2,752,680,779 14 2,834 0
3 (#21,989) Axiaan 98.00% 5,318.83pp 2,886,618,840 9 2,789 216
4 (#26,931) Hikona 95.61% 4,870.29pp 4,346,082,562 8 4,327 185
5 (#174,842) Namazu 97.03% 1,171.42pp 300,262,694 3 270 51
6 (#182,605) Hichinoro 93.49% 209.79pp 43,440,889 3 27 9
7 (#121,220) Columbina 95.64% 1,771.01pp 362,607,350 2 259 126
8 (#221,453) Lavanville 99.64% 826.86pp 2,695,299,582 1 2,712 0
9 (#549,755) FloconDeNeige 91.41% 34.28pp 92,304,141 0 1 2
10 (#164,013) Ganondorf 96.86% 1,272.45pp 1,423,541,361 0 1,206 220
11 (#282,934) Amnezzia 95.42% 516.57pp 57,559,591 0 38 20
12 (#529,308) TheLordKiwi 83.82% 35.28pp 24,453,333 0 3 5
13 (#18,524) MoTL 96.31% 5,691.13pp 606,827,204 0 444 222
14 (#57,623) Kanoob 95.17% 3,271.01pp 1,709,101,171 0 1,337 531
15 (#161,481) pomroz 95.19% 1,297.39pp 171,439,991 0 119 56
16 (#117,176) Bidoof 95.40% 1,830.20pp 1,030,129,834 0 990 98
17 (#350,868) Fuki 94.33% 286.16pp 44,668,152 0 25 14
18 (#120,947) byo 94.94% 1,774.79pp 597,478,512 0 382 210
19 (#38,449) sanghaaaa 96.22% 4,129.26pp 1,190,247,399 0 728 575
20 (#95,453) Mindwaves 94.50% 2,213.31pp 1,612,256,938 0 980 685
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