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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#20,621) Sevelik 100.00% 1,705.15pp 1,116,693,435 6,305 0 8
2 (#11,585) Lavanville 99.93% 2,958.70pp 2,092,616,251 5,690 575 0
3 (#1,604) Ykoris 99.24% 8,935.56pp 5,602,452,215 4,646 1,574 2,143
4 (#11,762) Axiaan 98.68% 2,926.43pp 114,803,596 429 182 57
5 (#13,986) Namazu 98.96% 2,510.20pp 128,341,055 306 228 119
6 (#12,496) Ganondorf 97.28% 2,772.37pp 303,492,467 151 1,207 538
7 (#8,042) Mindwaves 98.35% 3,900.50pp 1,200,401,005 56 767 1,513
8 (#13,088) byo 98.25% 2,664.44pp 165,432,332 52 289 362
9 (#23,629) MystExiStentia 98.63% 1,482.44pp 8,082,279 19 61 4
10 (#19,133) sanghaaaa 98.25% 1,841.09pp 77,498,701 19 196 155
11 (#48,723) Amnezzia 94.96% 589.58pp 3,047,966 13 5 5
12 (#15,522) Kanoob 97.82% 2,276.77pp 207,190,589 12 285 248
13 (#22,906) Columbina 98.41% 1,530.43pp 24,671,186 6 65 27
14 (#14,948) WitherFlower 96.33% 2,361.08pp 126,474,316 2 31 209
15 (#32,724) Arakii 96.80% 1,025.13pp 8,042,409 1 21 13
16 (#90,528) TheLordKiwi 90.68% 564.54pp 5,575,002 1 7 11
17 (#57,586) Drakkles 89.40% 448.24pp 2,695,765 0 3 5
18 (#37,069) Fuki 93.25% 875.33pp 6,770,697 0 10 15
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