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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#35,580) Namazu 99.33% 6,558.50pp 126,379,268,650 38,520 2,961 2,305
2 (#49,827) Sevelik 99.16% 5,978.59pp 101,491,035,203 32,098 3,799 2,300
3 (#51,765) Ganondorf 98.81% 5,907.64pp 286,928,764,720 22,356 36,582 22,351
4 (#33,025) WitherFlower 98.82% 6,685.87pp 201,984,133,292 12,090 24,936 8,388
5 (#48,845) MystExiStentia 99.93% 6,012.23pp 44,025,629,315 11,220 39 1,596
6 (#75,325) sanghaaaa 98.68% 5,257.00pp 39,652,196,725 10,923 5,104 3,226
7 (#27,572) Amnezzia 99.40% 6,999.62pp 19,470,163,347 9,594 571 420
8 (#505,033) Ykoris 99.64% 1,734.78pp 16,328,121,003 6,767 721 539
9 (#520,474) Lavanville 99.63% 1,682.15pp 7,397,288,748 5,240 60 4
10 (#52,250) Airwam 99.22% 5,890.69pp 58,893,170,175 4,966 4,862 2,528
11 (#27,960) Mizuhika 99.03% 6,974.84pp 616,369,133,331 4,835 51,445 16,283
12 (#7,993) Qumania 99.79% 9,152.36pp 41,845,008,449 4,455 459 1,050
13 (#42,177) byo 97.96% 6,261.74pp 82,836,389,800 4,219 8,408 6,213
14 (#20,600) Fuki 99.33% 7,491.21pp 147,528,710,967 3,958 7,921 910
15 (#504) Arakii 99.53% 14,309.90pp 739,838,273,155 3,869 16,458 9,948
16 (#11,765) Bidoof 99.37% 8,482.64pp 242,362,541,834 3,770 11,296 2,466
17 (#16,286) yoshibox 99.30% 7,908.08pp 61,166,809,432 3,392 1,287 1,685
18 (#193,158) Hikona 98.36% 3,491.39pp 5,270,526,559 3,202 533 606
19 (#149,001) TheLordKiwi 99.31% 3,991.82pp 12,737,872,489 2,731 808 663
20 (#5,373) SpitsLife 99.05% 9,895.78pp 69,823,789,752 2,730 4,076 3,896
21 (#9,814) MoTL 98.31% 8,799.05pp 41,420,573,659 2,399 2,670 1,861
22 (#34,952) Kanoob 98.96% 6,589.35pp 146,761,736,701 2,341 10,359 6,519
23 (#30,089) Mindwaves 98.83% 6,847.92pp 177,166,405,673 2,262 10,655 7,450
24 (#3,941) Columbina 98.98% 10,436.20pp 188,052,943,365 2,211 8,524 4,019
25 (#25,617) Egida 98.77% 7,123.01pp 76,445,873,561 2,049 2,457 2,257
26 (#25,670) FloconDeNeige 98.80% 7,119.92pp 74,851,200,176 1,805 6,793 5,267
27 (#37,722) akwari 99.29% 6,455.42pp 39,175,689,192 1,634 2,082 2,603
28 (#16,111) Drakkles 98.48% 7,926.86pp 101,044,897,409 1,624 7,587 3,189
29 (#16,268) pomroz 99.59% 7,910.37pp 35,485,085,774 1,576 2,218 1,907
30 (#6,522) Hichinoro 99.64% 9,537.88pp 55,940,565,782 1,518 1,667 1,455
31 (#46,880) skrimore 98.92% 6,083.33pp 114,795,833,915 1,309 9,471 9,460
32 (#19,551) Skyzo 99.26% 7,582.86pp 49,395,284,373 1,189 2,869 1,719
33 (#96,099) Axiaan 98.85% 4,825.29pp 6,523,793,865 1,003 304 432
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