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French SS Mania club

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Axiaan 98.69% 17,567.78pp 257,058,417,911 53,441 3,275 705
2 Sevelik 99.53% 9,815.67pp 118,225,079,854 46,214 7,912 2,340
3 Kitsuka 99.82% 10,176.44pp 184,381,404,617 26,399 2,835 0
4 Lavanville 99.75% 9,714.46pp 87,191,868,468 21,591 3,417 4
5 Hikona 97.26% 11,989.84pp 32,798,440,780 14,212 5,224 933
6 Eloi2525 97.09% 32,648.48pp 20,694,032,659 5,513 5,488 1,288
7 ZayyKen 97.17% 8,701.26pp 4,648,080,235 1,039 3,434 283
8 Adri 97.19% 10,536.00pp 17,210,127,762 755 15,792 682
9 Nayruhle 96.81% 4,126.73pp 3,662,528,241 483 3,151 164
10 Keik_o 96.70% 18,246.11pp 15,220,932,503 362 11,729 2,113
11 [Goukisan] 96.14% 4,795.00pp 10,197,522,379 280 4,886 1,725
12 Jukaro 96.50% 10,962.16pp 11,437,019,079 279 5,640 1,428
13 MiPS486 96.39% 10,039.20pp 6,427,247,737 212 4,507 802
14 PatouZ 97.67% 12,898.35pp 2,824,057,139 189 2,170 136
15 Mineb_ 97.29% 8,962.28pp 5,139,236,179 185 4,448 409
16 [HD]Voxav 97.02% 9,035.93pp 6,444,824,764 108 6,030 577
17 KH_Supernova 96.86% 8,015.17pp 4,181,159,829 66 4,433 49
18 quentin5110054 97.81% 12,490.90pp 4,164,513,873 17 3,942 312
19 DemonWaves 97.45% 19,534.91pp 3,564,156,446 14 2,864 601
20 Paturages 95.60% 7,607.28pp 2,159,654,840 14 2,142 38
21 [RUE]Kewaii 97.29% 9,124.84pp 4,158,380,908 8 4,012 269
22 Ping36 97.48% 7,960.35pp 5,373,380,478 5 5,371 91
23 DeamonHunter999 97.17% 2,661.67pp 3,697,579,809 0 4,443 47
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