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French SS Mania club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#8,923) ZayyKen 96.61% 7,469.44pp 4,625,928,244 1,023 3,401 259
2 (#4,705) Adri 97.14% 8,853.03pp 16,357,381,790 565 15,590 424
3 (#38,566) Nayruhle 96.81% 4,126.73pp 3,662,528,241 483 3,151 164
4 (#7,870) Jukaro 96.66% 7,738.91pp 5,311,513,649 253 5,063 201
5 (#4,023) PatouZ 97.71% 9,181.14pp 1,946,406,445 131 1,824 37
6 (#78,967) [Goukisan] 95.58% 2,607.42pp 4,816,510,321 96 4,184 764
7 (#2,380) Keik_o 94.96% 10,240.00pp 11,127,277,622 85 10,611 1,203
8 (#6,945) KH_Supernova 96.86% 8,015.17pp 4,181,159,829 66 4,433 49
9 (#6,400) [HD]Voxav 95.39% 8,200.58pp 6,333,421,252 64 5,975 498
10 (#266,360) Sevelik 99.28% 588.43pp 4,175,873,809 58 4,096 29
11 (#14,245) MiPS486 96.72% 6,311.44pp 4,664,493,425 24 4,287 451
12 (#804) quentin5110054 97.81% 12,490.90pp 4,164,513,873 17 3,942 312
13 (#232,105) Kitsuka 99.64% 764.04pp 2,752,680,779 14 2,834 0
14 (#9,250) Paturages 98.23% 7,385.69pp 2,149,297,522 13 2,137 30
15 (#10,909) Eloi2525 95.77% 6,984.16pp 3,501,047,036 13 3,493 172
16 (#22,013) Axiaan 98.00% 5,318.83pp 2,886,618,840 9 2,789 216
17 (#18,196) Mineb_ 96.57% 5,729.65pp 4,135,629,426 9 4,189 202
18 (#2,782) DemonWaves 97.65% 9,956.88pp 2,724,157,611 9 2,647 131
19 (#26,947) Hikona 95.61% 4,870.29pp 4,346,082,562 8 4,327 185
20 (#4,133) [RUE]Kewaii 97.29% 9,124.84pp 4,158,380,908 8 4,012 269
21 (#7,112) Ping36 97.48% 7,960.35pp 5,373,380,478 5 5,371 91
22 (#221,726) Lavanville 99.64% 826.86pp 2,695,299,582 1 2,712 0
23 (#76,944) DeamonHunter999 97.17% 2,661.67pp 3,697,579,809 0 4,443 47
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